Charlie finds out

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Bella's POV

I have just woke the girls up and Edwards going to be going out to get a few strollers and I am going over to the main house that could take a long time. First I put Renesmee in clothers and then moved in to Sophie but when I finished Sophie Renesmee was walking butt naked around the house this is going to be a long time. After I got Renesmee re dressed I put there in her high chair and know she couldn't take her clothers off and I went on a hunt for Sophie and she was naked going number one on the floor I graped her and put her in her bed after clearing her bottom and putting a nappy on her then cleaned up the pee. After I put Sophie in clothers and put her in her high chair so she couldn't know it was olive and she was walking butt naked and yet she was about to draw on the wall but I got her up before and I got her changed and placed her on the floor what was the wrong thing she got unchanged and was butt naked again I put her in her clothers then in her high chair. I got the last two dressed and then they started all crying I graped Renesmee and made her stop crying but I put her in her high chair and it started and I wasn't even ready to go I quickly changed and took the girls two by two to the car Renesmee and Sophie are at the back of the car. Oliver and Sydney are in the middle and then Abby was in the frount when we were on the main rode the baby's started crying once I got out to look what was wrong and they all pooped and yet I couldn't change them I got in to the car and tried to get too the main house but I got pulled over by nothing and I went to the side of the rode I put the window down only to see my dad. "Miss what was all that racket we got a few complaints... Bella?" "I'm sorry my children are crying and I need to get home. Oh hey dad." "Bella how is one child making all that racket?" "It not one it...."

I leaving it on a cliffhanger and plus I didn't know what else to write in this chapter so i am so sorry. I'm doing a competition on my other one for a few of my books.

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