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Calum had fell asleep back in his bed so I sat on the couch and watched tv. It was really quiet except for Calum's silent snores. They were angelic and I couldn't help but giggle a bit. Then, I heard a loud banging on Cal's front door. I Stood up and looked out of the peephole. I opened the door to see Ashton standing there. "What the hell are you doing here?" Ashton said between his gritted teeth. "Ash, look Calum invited me over don't worry." I said. "Did you fuck him." Ash whispered-yelled while turning a vibrant red color. I rolled my eyes. "No the fuck I didn't, we're just friends and I would never do that with Calum. Calum is nothing to me now leave Ash. If I wanted a relationship with him I would have one." I said yelling at Ashton. Ash turned around as I slammed the door in his face. Why did Ashton always have to be so over protective? "Oh, so that's how you feel about me?" Calum whispered. I turned around to look at him and he had an angered look on his face. "No Cal-" is tried to say. "Get the fuck out of my house. Get your shit and get out." He yelled tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry Cal." I said grabbing my clothes and running out the door.

I ran in my house crying. Oscar was gone to college and my parents were at work. Here I was, sitting on the stairs in Calum's boxers and his muscle tee. I could smell him all over me. I fucked up deep down I wanted Calum but it would never work. I walked upstairs to my room and slammed the door. I picked up my phone and called Calum. "What." He said harshly when he answered the phone. "I'm so sorry Cal." I sobbed. "oh my god. . ." I heard Calum whisper from the other line. "Cal?" I asked. I heard a low moan and a girl say his name. I hung up and threw my phone. Was I really cry over him? I should've known. I got out of the bed pulling off my the boxers and muscle tee and threw them to the ground. I stood in nothing but my bra and panties. I looked at myself in the mirror. Was I really not fucking good enough for Calum? I let out a scream and sunk to my knees. Then, an idea came to my head. I stood up and pulled on a pair of shorts and a rolling stones shirt on. I washed the makeup off my face and pulled my hair up into a ponytail while sliding on my brown sandles.

When I pulled into his yard I looked to see if his car was their. I noticed it was but his parents weren't there. I knocked on the door and heard a path of foot steps coming down the stairs. "Evelyn? What are you doing here?" He asked. "I wanted to talk about what happened last night." i said as he let me in the house. "Listen Luke, I'm sorry for what Calum did. I don't know why he did it he just sort of snapped? We don't even date he's just very stuck up." I said looking down. "it's okay, this isn't the first time Calum has been very protective over a girl." He said. "What do you mean?" I asked looking him in the eye. "Calum, he uh. Calum used to date this girl named Kaylin. They dated for like 4 years but the girl thought Cal was way to protective. So she basically dumped him but he would fight everyone she dated."

"What happened to the girl?" I asked. "She moved away, away from Calum but none of us know where she went. Only Calum does cause she said one day when he's better he can come back to her." He said stepping closer to me. "Cal doesn't deserve you." Luke said grabbing my chin and kissing me. I kissed back and it went on for a while. "U-uh I should go Luke, I'll text you later." I said as I quickly headed out of his house and to my car.

I pulled into my front yard getting out and saw Calum standing behind his car looking at me. I got out and walked towards him. "Cal?" I asked. "Look, I'm sorry." He said looking down at me. "Why i'm the one that should be sorry." I said. "No, i yelled at you because I know you and I are nothing." He said as one tear rolled down his cheek. I hugged him as I started crying too. "Calum." I whispered. "Yes?" He asked. "W-who were you with when I called." I said. "No one. Don't worry about her." He said kissing my forehead. I wonder if it was Kaylin. "Come inside Cal." I said grabbing his hand as I pulled him inside my house.

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