Chapter 2

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A stunned silence falls over us and we look at each other. Suddenly, Feliciano pipes up,

"B-but you can't do ballet! You're too clunky!"

"Feli!" Lukas scolds. He turns to the Russian with a sigh. "We would be happy to have you in our ensemble. Right, Francis?"

I wince at his tone.

"Right, Lukas..." I mumble.

The Russian's face lights up.

"I know that I'm not the most graceful person in the world, but I can learn!" he says excitedly.

"Yes..." I say uncertainly, "So what's your name?"


I smirk. At least that's one victory.

"Well, Ivan, we were just deciding what ballet we were going to put on." Roderich says.

"Well, what have you done in the past?" Ivan asks.

"Our first year was Sleeping Beauty, then we did Swan Lake last year." Elise says.

Ivan nods slowly. "What about The Nutcracker? That way we would have an entire year to prepare it."

"That's... actually not a terrible idea." Roderich says, "I'm always so rushed to find and practice sheet music, and it can't be easy to memorise an entire routine in a few months."

"But then we won't have anything this year!" Yong Soo argues.

"That's fine. The theatre kids are putting on King Lear." Lukas says calmly, "We don't need two performances."

"So the theatre is finally serving a purpose." I snort, "I thought it was just there for decoration."

"Why King Lear? It's so depressing." Feliciano whines, "If they wanted Shakespeare, they should have chosen a comedy."

"Wasn't it Feliks who's in charge this year?" I muse.

"That should be a disaster." Yao mutters.

"Hey, Feliks is a very good actor and the fact that he managed to get enough people to put on a play is impressive." I say quickly in my friend's defence.

"Do you guys to anything other than gossip?" Ivan asks, bemused.

"Not really." Lukas sighs, "Unfortunately."

Despite Lukas' accusations, we do indeed manage to get some work done. We decide that The Nutcracker would make a very good performance and find the choreography online. Now all that's left to do is the casting.

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