Chapter 5

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"No, no. Keep your back straight." I instruct, holding Ivan's leg out as he tries to get back into a proper posture.

"This is hard!" he sighs.

"I know. But you can do it." I try to encourage, only for him to fall over as soon as I let go, "...Eventually."

Ivan groans as he gets up, another bruise starting to form on his arm.

"Admit it, I'm terrible." he mutters.

"No, no! You aren't!" I insist, "You're just... um... you've got some work to do."

"Francis, we have been trying for seven months now. Am I getting any better at all?" Ivan asks skeptically.

"Of course you have! At least now you can jump without making too much of a noise when you land." Now the only issue is balance, and in that field... he's made next to no progress.

Ivan sighs as he watches Feliks rehearsing with Lukas. They already have the entire thing memorised and now are just ironing it out.

"Francis, am I slowing you down?" Ivan asks quietly, looking away.

I pause to consider the question. Is he? Sure, I've long memorised my choreography, but it isn't as refined as it normally would be by now. Still, I don't have the heart to say yes.

"Of course not." I say softly. When Ivan doesn't answer, I reach out to touch his arm gently. "Ivan, I'm happy to help you."

Ivan sighs and nods. "Alright. But I won't be hurt if you decide to stop. I don't want to make you do badly too."

"Alright." I say at length, "Now, from the beginning."

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