Chapter One

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My eye lids slowly opened as I stretched my hand next to me, seeking Zataras warmth. "Zatara?" I asked, but their was no answer. I hoisted myself up and ran my hand through my hair.

Where the hell is Zatara?

I searched my room, looking for-bingo! I walked to my desk where a note laid.

Dear Zara,
Sorry I had to leave so early, but work wanted me here early. Don't forget about the unvealing today downtown, its your first so its important.
Love, Zatara.


I forgot all about the unvealing. I ran across the room and dived for my shoes, jeans, and shirt Zatara laid out for me. I changed into my pants, and replaced my pajama T-shirt with a black baggy shirt. I hopped on one foot putting on my skippys. I ran next door and opened the bathroom door. I opened the door and put my toothbrush in my mouth. I tried to brush curly brown hair with my fingers, but after a while I gave up and left it alone.

Shit, shit, shit. Shes gonna kill me.

The night before Zatara and me stood up all night trying to prepare for the unvealing. Practicing our balance, our attitude, and our survival instincts, what we can eat and what we can't. When a teenager turns 16 they are eligible to play loves drug. A game that defines the heart, mind, and body all in entertainment. Two females are put in a arena, with five males. The females have one month to choose which one she would love. Not only that, but you also have to face challanges including survival modes that might determind life or death. Why do it, why risk your life? Simple. If you survive long enough to get out of the arena, you get a prize of $100,000. Which is enough to help me and Zatara survive on our own.

I spit out mouth wash and ran out the bathroom door, heading towards the door, grabbing my black leather jacket on the floor.

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