Chapter Two

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Shit I'm going to be late

I ran faster, until I was at the square, where thousands of people crowed near a stage. Behind the crowd was a table where people withdraw their blood, and write their names. I got in line, behind a girl with blond hair and white skin with a blue dress. The line kept moving up till it was my turn. A lady sat in a chair with her hair up in a pony tail. Her lips were covered in red lip stick and she dressed in complete black.

"Name and age?" The lady said pulling out a clip board and a gun looking needle.

"Zara Hunter, sixteen." She grabbed my arm, and injected the needle in my wrist. I watched as my blood entered the needle. She put it in a box and handed it to a women about 20 years old and whispered something into her ear. The women nodded her head, and left.

"Second row to the left." I nodded my head, and went to where she told me to go.

"Zack Rider, Zeke Martinez, Ryan Harrison, Jackson Rose, And Kylan Dran please make your way to the platform you have been chosen to play. Now for the girls." I bit the bottom of my lip, excited that i might be chosen, but nervous what the future might hold if i was chosen. I breath in, then hold my breath. "Zatara Hunter!" My eyes bulged. I turned my head, seeing my sister at the stand, as shocked as i was. People made a path, wide enough for her to walk by. Zatara walked awkwardly towards the stand. My head went down, one of my bangs covering my eyes.

There's still one spot left. I thought, tried to tell myself, but i knew that i would be unlikely for me to be chosen.

"And the last girl, that will be playing for the year 2019, is Zara Hunter." 

I lifted my head up my eyes almost popping out of my head, smiling like an idiot. I walked pushed past people, because unlike my sister, no one made a path for me. I walked up to the platform, smiling and biting the inside of my check. The lady who called my name had her hair up in a bun, her hair pure blue. She wore the shortest dress I've seen in my life, which was only a little bit darker than her dress.

"Welcome to Loves drug. Hope you don't get addicted."

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