Chapter 3~Late night drive.

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~The pic above is the yoga position that is talked about in this chapter. Enjoy! Love ya!~

"Joey if I fall it will be on you, literally." I warned before getting in the yoga position. "How are you so flexible, Y/N?" Matt asked me. "I'm not. I legit have never bent my body this way. First time and it kinda hurts." I responded. "My legs kind of hurt, too. How much longer do we need to be in this position?" Joey asked. "Well you could get off right now, Y/N, or you could stay in that position with your boyfriend for as long as you want." Bryan smirked as he said the word 'boyfriend'.

I quickly sat up, but immediately regretted that decision. Down I fell on to Joey's chest. "Uh..." Joey grunted in pain as my body hit his. "Sorry." I said quickly standing up. "It's fine. You're not very heavy anyway." Joey said standing up so that he was WAY taller than me. He looked down at me and smiled. I blushed and smiled back.

"Should we end the video or are you two going to stand there staring at eachother forever?" Matt asked ruining the moment. "Um.....sure." Joey said scratching the back of his neck. "Thank you guys so much for watching this video." Joey started. I stared at him for a while, examining his features. Blond, fluffy looking hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a silly personality. Any girl would be lucky to just have him as a friend. And that's all he is. Just a friend. Not a boyfriend, or lover. Friend.

"You alright, Y/N?" Joey said waving a hand in my face. "Yeah." I said with a stern look. "I'm fine." "Okay, well Amanda just made some mashed potatoes. Wanna come and eat?" Joey said giving me a smile. I smiled back and nodded.

~Time skip to after dinner~

"Thanks, Amanda. The food was delicious." I said while starting to wash the dishes. "Y/N, you really didn't have to help me with the dishes." Amanda told me. "It's fine. Plus, you shouldn't be putting so much work on yourself. You just had a baby." I said. Amanda rolled her eyes. "If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I wouldn't have to do any work around here." Amanda said. I smiled at her remark.

Soon after doing the dishes Y/F/N wanted to go home. "Please, Y/F/N, can we stay a little longer?" I begged. "No, Y/N I have work tomorrow." "Well I'm staying." I said sitting back on the couch. "Y/N, how are you getting home, then?" Y/F/N asked. Shite I didn't think about that. "I can drive her." Joey said smiling at me. "Alright then. Just knock when you get home, k?" Y/F/N said. "K." I responded. "Also, don't bring home anybody." She/he said motioning towards Joey. "Very funny, Y/F/N." I said as Y/F/N opened the door and left.

~Time skip to late at night~

Joey and I had been having so much fun along with Matt and Amanda. Bryan left a while ago. I checked my phone to see that it was past midnight. "Shite balls. Joey we gots to go, it's late." I said standing. We each said our goodbyes to Matt and Amanda then left.

Joey hadn't unlocked the passenger door, yet so I slammed into it as Joey sat in his seat dying. "Fudge nuggets!" I laughed rubbing my forehead. Joey unlocked the door and I sat down while he was still trying to calm down. Once he did, he said "Are you fine? Y/F/N might murder me if you got hurt." "Sure." I said sarcastically.

Once Joey turned on the car, my favorite song *insert favorite song here* came on the radio. I sang softly at first, then got a little too comfortable. Joey glanced at me a few times smiling. When the song finished I took out my phone and started reading my text messages.

Y/F/N: Y/N? 10:16 PM



Y/F/N: Y/N please answer. i'm worried about you. 12:15 PM

Holy balls. Y/F/N is going crazy. I should text him/her before she/he starts crying or even worse gathers up a search party.

Y/F/N: Y/N? 10:16 PM Read

Y/F/N: Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?! 10:49 PM Read


Y/F/N: Y/N please answer. i'm worried about you. 12:15 PM Read

Me: sorry I had my phone turned off. I'll be home soon. 12:34 PM Read

Y/F/N: OMG! Y/N! YOU'RE ALIVE! 12:34 PM Read

ME: YEP. 12:35 PM

Once I sent the last message, Joey pulled up to the apartment. "Welp, we're here." Joey said stating the obvious. "Thanks, Shearlock, for everything." I said leaning in to give Joey a hug. I guess he got the wrong idea 'cause I ended up kissing him.

~Like this chapter? Sorry for how it started, but at least it ended with a kiss. See ya in the next chapter! Love ya!~

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