Chapter 7~Surprise Ruined :(

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~I've decided to write the POV's in different chapters, so this chapter is your POV and the next one is Joey's. K? Alright. Also I'm sorry the picture is blurry, but it's a cake🤗 Enjoy~

I ended up falling asleep watching *insert favorite youtuber* (Fun fact: mine are Jack and Mark) for at least 2-3 hours. Joey hadn't texted me like he usually does on Team Edge Day. I decided to call Matt and ask how the recording doing. This is how the conversation went:

"Hey Matt"

"Hi Y/N, what you up to?"

"Nothing much, just calling to see how how Team Edge Day is going."

"Um...Y/N, I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but today is Saturday. Team Edge Days are on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."



"Well sorry for calling."

"It's fine, Luna was getting fussy so I needed to take her soon."

"Ok then, see ya soon."

I internally face palmed because I had never thought to check the date. Why would Joey lie to me? Joey never usually lies. I wonder where Joey actually went. I shrugged it off and decided to go make myself a sandwich. Y/F/N blocked me from opening the fridge. "Y/N, I forbid you from looking in there." She/he said with a serious face. "Really, well what if I do this?" I said as I started tickling him/her furiously. They jumped up with laughter and fell to the ground while also hitting their pinkie toe on the kitchen counter.

I opened the fridge only to find a perfectly frosted vanilla/chocolate cake since not everybody likes either of them the cake is half vanilla half chocolate. your welcome. On it said the words: Happy 21st B-Day Y/N! Y/F/N saw that I was drooling and closed the fridge quickly. "You'll have to wait until next week." She/he said while strutting out of the kitchen. I groaned and pulled open the fridge again looking for the Nutella jar. I took one last glance at the cake and quietly closed the fridge.

~Time skip to after eating ze best sandwich~

I sat next to Y/F/N as she/he searched something on Google. As soon a she/he clicked on the search button tutorials for how to wrap gifts came up. He/she smiled and shut the computer. I smirked and grabbed my computer to check my emails. Finally. I saw the email from the company that read:

Hello Y/N. We are sending this letter regarding your application to join our story writing crew. We ask you to send us some stories that you have written that have to do with either horror, adventure, the paranormal, or fantasy. Please send us one of those ctagories by August 27 and if we like it you will have the job. The stories don't have to be too long just at least 10 pages, so we can see how great you are at writing. Please include dialogue for the characters as well as a clear description of them. Thank You!

As I read through the requirements I thought it would be the easiest thing ever. I soon realized I have never written any of those types of stories. Maybe adventure. Adventure can't be that hard. Adventure or fantasy. Maybe I can give them both. I have been writing stories since I was at least 8 years old. August 27? That's next week! Ugh. I stood and practically ran to my white board. I needed to start brain storming quickly.

~3 hours and a lot of brain power later~

Y/F/N walked in as I was thinking of ideas for the fantasy story. I had already finished the plot of both of the stories, I just needed character names and settings. "How's it going?" I jumped almost erasing some of the name ideas. "Sorry" she/he giggled. "I need names for the characters." I already told Y/F/N that I didn't need help even if it wasn't true. She/he started naming some characters based on their traits. He/she was able to do something that took me nearly an hour in 15-30 minutes.

"Thanks for the help." I said once she/he finished. "It was pretty easy. Since I know what people are like, unlike you, I can figure out names for characters only with their traits." I am pretty antisocial. Of course I wouldn't know! "Thanks anyway. Maybe you can help me when I'm writing stories for actual games." I said immediately regretting it. "Isn't this for a game?" she/he questioned studying my facial expressions.

When I didn't answer Y/F/N freaked out. "Don't you have the job!" She/he yelled. "How are we supposed to pay the rent this month!" She/he sat on my bed with their head in their hands. "Y/F/N I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I thought I could get away with it until I did have the job." I tried not to cry as I said the last sentence. "Y/N, you need to get this job. My crappy job won't pay the rent for this month. I'll have to work overtime." "I promise you," I held Y/F/N's hands in mine and raised his/her head up with my thumb. "I will work my hardest to get this job." Y/F/N pulled me into a tight hug.

"Get a move on, Booger, we gotta make some grub so you and I can have enough brain power to make it through these stories." I nodded and pulled him/her downstairs. We started grabbing random ingredients, hoping they would taste good together.

We finished about an hour later. Look at this monstrosity. "What a mess." Y/F/N said reading my mind. "Wait." I said running towards the fridge. "Everything's better with Nutella!" I yelled as I put a glob on top of our mess.

~Hey hey! I'm going back home today so the updates might be more frequent. I will be starting school tomorrow. The next update will be from Joey's POV. It might also be late since I need to unpack, but I'll try my hardest to publish it when it needs to be. Anyway, Love ya!~

P.S. I'm publishing this at the airport. Byeeeee.

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