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*4th year* at the safe part of the forbidden forest (imma do the script writing format, much easier)

Draco: SURPRISE!!!
He sits Harry on a picnic mat, there's food and butterbeer

Harry: Wow, you really prepared for our anniversary

Draco: Of course, you deserve it.

Harry: awww, wait I have something for you

*brings out a small flat box*
*Draco opens it and reveals a silver necklace with an emerald gem shaped like a heart*

Draco: *shocked* WO...WOW... Where'd you get this?

Harry: well, being "Harry Potter" has its benefits.......

Draco: wow , you...you shouldn't have

Harry: yes I do, and I charmed it, I have a matching ring *shows ring with a silver band and a green gem on it* when it glows red, it means you're in trouble. You're shielded of course, any evil curse or spell won't affect you, but it will alarm me. I can only control it.

Draco: Awww, thanks for caring for me...Well what do ya know, I have the same gift for you except it's silver necklace with a ruby on it, same charms, but with a matching bracelet.

*they give each other their gifts and they put it on each others*

*they lovingly stare at each other for a moment*

*Draco leans in for a kiss*

*Harry kisses back*

*Draco pulls away*

Draco: Goodluck on the tournament, please be safe

Harry: I will, for you

Draco: But really, please be safe and sound when you get back, I can't afford to lose you, I love you too much.

Harry: I'll do my best, and I love you too, you're one of the reasons why I live now, You, my friends, my remaining family, to avenge my parents and to defeat Voldemort.

Draco shivered when Harry said Voldemort's name, but he didn't care.

Draco: Wow, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever told me. Promise, I'll do everything I can to make your life worth living, and for you to be happy.

And they hugged, cuddled, then fell asleep in each others arms, safe and sound

A/N: thanks to my friend Draco-Lucius-Malfoy- for helping me, how's your marriage with Harry going?

P.S: Ron hates Draco with burning passion, Hermione and Neville just dislike him and wants to avoid him. Just wanna let you guys know....and remember that YOU can add a part of this. You may suggest stuff

The One That Got Away-DrarryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin