Bastion x Puppetmaster(Oc)

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This was requested by Overwatch-Tracer please do not steal her\his Oc.
If you haven't watched the new video of Bastion blizzard released I suggest you do cuz it takes place then. Also, I'm not sure if I will continue to do Oc's because I don't really like the idea of it. Sorry😅
Puppet master(or Vivi) POV.

'Shoot this is totally not what was suppose to happen!' Confused? Let me recap for you
"Vivi darling come over here please" Angela or Mercy said.

"Y-yes miss Angela" I stuttered shyly

"Come now dear no need to be so shy,"she said while smiling softly at me"I have a mission for you."

'A mission, doesn't '76 usually give those?'
"I know what your thinking, John is currently on a mission himself so I have to hand out missions."She sighed

"O-ok umm what's the m-mission?"I stuttered again, curse my shyness

"Well there has been reports from hikers that there frequent gunfire in the northern woods, would you please go check it out?"she politely asked

I nodded'this won't be that hard'

(Author:Oh how wrong you are Vivi😂)
------------------end flashback-----------------

I was completely surrounded by now, I thought that this would be an easy mission, maybe take out a few criminals. Instead I get stuck dealing with Reaper, black widow, and their goons.

"We 'ave you now, little girl"Widowmaker sneered as she pointed her gun at Vivi.

"Hmm not quite."Vivi grinned as her puppet strings came from her hands(sorry to the creator if they don't actually do this😮), she wasn't going down without a fight.

Her strings wrapped around the goons and tore them to shreds.
Vivi dodged the barrage of gun fire from widowmaker and Reaper.

"Ahh!"Vivi yelled in pain when her calf was hit by one of reapers bullets.

She hit the ground hard, her strings disappearing from the sudden pain and shock.

"Hahah you actually thought you could escape us? One measely little girl."Reaper sneered.

Vivi held her calf to shocked to do anything. Then she remembered she was in a battle, her strings came out once more, this time transparent.

The string wrapped around Reaper and Widowmaker, they gave noises of confusion.
As they were slowly being crushed by Vivi's strings a helicopter could be heard.

Widowmaker used her hidden knife and slashed at the strings, She used her grapple hook to hook both her and Reaper to the helicopter.

"What about the girl."Reaper said from the helicopter while looking down at the girl who was currently bleeding out.

"Leave her, she vill die anyvay"said widowmaker referring to the girls major blood loss.

And just like that the helicopter flew off, leaving the girl to pass out from blood loss, she knew she would never see the light again. She was OK with that though, after all she was an Overwatch agent, she would always be prepared to give her life if meant the world would be a better place.

She didn't here the footsteps of a certain robot who had hear the commotion and came to investigate.


Bastion looked at the human who he had helped. She was still unconscious, he managed to stop the blood loss with some of the fabric from her shirt.

He wasn't sure how he knew what to do, he must have been able to do this before he lost most of his memory.

Suddenly the girl stirred, Bastion straighted up and beeped.

The girl opened her eyes and sat up.
Bastion went over to her and pushed her back down so she could rest more.

She looked at him with fear, she knew what he was"A-a Bastion!How

Bastion beeped in confusion and tilted his head.
The girl still in shock did the same

He beeped happily at her.
She looked at him in confusion"you aren't like the others. You aren't even attacking me."

She got up despite Bastions protest which sounded like cute little beeps.

She shivered when she felt a breeze, she had a sweater on why was she cold?

Vivi looked down and discovered she was only in her sports bra and her sweater was wrapped around her ankle. She blushed profusely she was in her bra in front of a robot, sure he was a robot but he does have a mind of his own!

She covered her chest still blushing, the robot beeped at her in confusion.

Her eye twitched, 'so innocent but so deadly'

She turned to him"My names Vivi, I'm assuming yours is bastion since you are a bastion"she said in a monotone

He beeped happily once again and nodded.

Vivi's heart sped up 'soo cute!! No vivi he's a robot, a bastion at that!'
She shook her head and cleared her thoughts.

She stood up and started to walk away from the bastion in a direction she thought was the city.

Bastion followed her curious of where she was going.

She looked at him"why are you following me?"

"Beep beep brinp"was the response.

She sighed"Can't understand you, whatever I don't care,"she paused, thinking"d-do you know the way to the city?"

Bastion paused and beeped frantically while nodding his robot head up and down really fast.

"OK OK, can you show me?"Vivi chuckled at the robots excitement

He once again beeped and turned around going the opposite way she was heading. Vivi's cheeks turned ruby red once again in embarrassment she had been going the wrong way.

After a few minutes of walking and only Bastions Whirrs for noise.

Vivi decide to break the silence"Hey umm thanks for patching me up back there, I would be dead if you hadn't of saved me."

Bastion turned to her and beeped cutely(as always😄😄).

A few more minutes went by when they reached the end of the forest, the city could be seen from afar.

"W-well guess this is goodbye."Vivi said

She turned to Bastion only to see him looking down in sadness

"Hey don't be sad,"Vivi panicked, he was way to adorable to be sad"I-i'll come and visit you!"

Bastion looks up in excitement and beeped happily

Vici smiled and awkwardly hugged the huge robot."see ya later big guy,"Vivi turned around and started heading towards the city, Bastion watching her go.

She never broke her promise though.

twice a week she came back to the forest to see Bastion
Hope you like it!!!!!!
-Mcree x Shy!Chubby! Reader

Question of the day: favorite robot\cyborg?
My answer: Zenyatta

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