Chapter Seven: Lies

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"Laura!" Mum shrieks. Her voice is quite faint, but I can still make out her words.

"Mum," I say weakly.

"What happened!?" She questions without hesitation.

"I...don't..remember..." I lied.

I remembered alright. I remembered the werewolves...the attack...the bite. The bite. It had healed...over forty minutes? It was just a scar now. Strange. Well, if werewolves aren't strange enough, I don't know what is. It was all...all...well werewolves shouldn't exist anyway.

"Your leg!" She gasps. For a minute I thought she said 'your neck' and I got scared. How am I supposed to explain to her that werewolves attacked me? What if I told her and the werewolves went after her too? I cover the scar up with my shirt. My mum rushed over to my leg which was bleeding.

"It's ok mum, I remember now," I lied slowly, "Someone broke, in hurt me and probably stole something. I was knocked out so I don't know what they did after they hurt me."

"It's NOT ok," she said fiercely, "and you say 'they'?"

"More than one."

Mum gasped. She inspected my leg. "It's not a fatal injury, just a simple injury that will scab over."

"What happens now?" I ask.

"I call the police."


"What the hell happened to you?" Carla demanded.

"Someone broke in and hurt me," I say, telling the same story I have told everyone else. So many lies to tell... "The police went over the house, no traces from the offenders, nothing stolen."

"Oh you poor thing!" Carla squealed, hugging me in a instant.

"I'm fine, don't cry over me," I smile, pushing her back.

"I must, I must," she said dramatically.

"Going away if your going to be like that," I say lightly, pushing her again.

"OK, WHERE IS SHE?!" An undeniable voice demands, stomping up the steps. Charlie.

"Charlie Bro!" I squeal.

"Laura!" He says, lacking enthusiasm. I frown at him.

"LAURA!!!" Someone else yells at the top of their lungs.

"WHO THE HELL IS THAT?" I roared back.

"MEEEEE!!!" They call back.

"WHO THE HELL IS MEEEEE????!!!!!!" I scream back at the unknown person.

"Shane and Dylan," Charlie explains.

"Who are they?" I ask.

"Your friends."

"What friends? I don't have friends called Shane and Dylan."

"Shane is Shayden, and Dylan has always been Dylan," he says.

"Dylan?" I ask then remember, "oh yeah, that's Jordan."

"Jordan?" Carla and Charlie question at the sane time.

"His real name is Jordan, but he prefers Dylan," I explain.

"Actually, it is the other way round, her brain is too messed up to understand that," Jordan yawns, leaning against the door frame.

I glare at him before lunging towards him, "I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!"

I prepare to claw him with my nails but Charlie holds me back.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Charlie yells. I dig my nails into his arm and lunge at Jordan again. Charlie yells in pain, leaving Carla to hold me back. But she doesn't. She knows not to mess with my long nails. I sink my nails into my victim and he yells out in surprise.

"Mwahahahaha, gotcha now," I say in a evil voice.

I back away and sit on my bed as if nothing ever happened.

"What do you want to do guys?" I ask. They are all glaring at me but I ignore them.

Carla looks at her fancy watch. "Oh crap, I have to get going, bye!" We hug and she leaves. Eventually everyone leaves expect Jordan.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask.

"You still need to tutor me," he reminds me.

"Why do you always pick the wrong times to tutor me?" I question. With a slight smile on my face.

"I know your fine, Laura," he says, confusing me, but I don't question him.

"Let's just get this over with," I say.


Sorry about this chapter being short and boring, it was mainly just a filler chapter. Also to show what happened after she got attacked.

Is it good so far?


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