| just a moment |

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'Following her instructions, I looked above us to meet eyes with him...'
It was something about those light eyes that made me want to look for eternity, they were magnetic and as he gazed upon my eyes below it felt like he was staring into my soul.

The club lights danced all around his pale skin and electro green, slicked back hair. He wore a white dress shirt that was half unbuttoned with a black gun shoulder holster, revealing tattoos all over his chest.

"Veronica do you know who that is?" Bianca exclaimed over the pulsing music, snapping me out of my thoughts just for a quick second.

"Wh-wh-who?" I managed to say, eyes still watching the man above and he still watching me.

"The Joker!" She shouted with my peripheral vision I could see she was staring at me, but I did not care I just couldn't take my eyes off him.

Still examining, he motioned over for a another man to come over to him. He whispered something to the bearded man in a grey suit and he glanced over at me for a brief moment, and then back to the Joker's who's eyes still haven't left mine.

"V, I think it's time for us to go!" Bianca says with a shaky voice as she watched this action play and then witnessed the bearded man leave the Joker to come downstairs.

"B-but-" was all I could get out before She grabbed my wrist and bolted us out the club just feet away from the nicely suited fellow.

"What's your problem?" I shout as soon as we're outdoors just feet away from her black SUV with Rick the driver, waiting.

"What's my problem?" She questions, opening up the backseat passenger door and shoving me inside. "You was just googly-eyed with the fucking Joker, Veronica!"

"I wouldn't had noticed him if it wasn't for you!" I hollered back as she went to the other side of the car and got in. I turned and looked out the back window to see the same man who was with the Joker exit the club and begin looking around. Before I could open the door to get out, Bianca had already told her driver to speed off.


The following Saturday morning, I woke up with the most intense headache. Just opening my eyes and staring out of Bianca's bedroom window into the blazing sun made my entire head pound rapidly.

To my left was Bianca spiraled out on her black silk sheets still in the golden, sparkly mini dress from last night. I myself was still in the very revealing, strapless black dress that Bianca chose for me that night; and even in my pair of red Christian Louboutin's my mother bought me last Christmas.

A light knock was placed on Bianca's bedroom door, followed by a quick, "Can I come on ladies?"

Not even giving a chance to reply, Bianca's mother appears with a tray on breakfast in her hands. The smell of bacon, pancakes, maple syrup, fresh strawberries and more hit my nose; but at that moment the usual smell of my favorite foods just made me want to vomit.

"Oh wake up, my sweet Bianca!" She sang obnoxiously, placing the tray at the foot of the king bed and then petting her eldest daughter's dark brown hair.

"What do you want mother?" She groans with her face still in the pillow and eyes still closed.

Mrs. Rhodes completely disregards her child's question and continues excitedly. "So girls tell me how was your night?"

Bianca and I had complete different relationships with our mothers and our mothers were two completely different people. Unlike my mom, Bianca's was a distinguished housewife. She did her job of cooking, cleaning taking care of her four children, and spending her husband's money very well. Then there is my mother, the very successful lawyer which I do admire. Growing up, I've had nannies to care for me as both of my parents worked nearly everyday and Bianca never had one a day in her life. Everything was cooked, cleaned, and cared for by Mrs. Rhodes and I envied that.

"It was," I paused as those light orbs flashed through my memory. It was like everything I knew left my mind and the only thing I remembered was him.

"Ohhhhh, Veronica," Mrs. Rhodes voice sang, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh," I blushed, "Sorry."

Shooting up from the bed, Bianca faced her mother with a fake grin, "Oh mother, can you excuse me and Veronica please?"

"Of course honey," She replied, exiting the room.

Closely examining, making sure her mother closed the bedroom door all the way before a screaming match escalated between us. "What the the fuck is wrong with you?"

"B, what are you talking about?" I asked as she got up.

"I know what you were doing V, you were fantasizing about that maniac!"

"N-no I wasn't," I tried to lie, but Bianca could see right through it.

She scoffs, "You're a bad liar, V! I know you were! He's a psychopath, a criminal, a gangster!"

"Okay, you're acting like I'm gonna run off with him into the sunset," I laugh, "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't had even noticed him."

"That was before I even realized who he was."

A wave of silence entered the room as we just stared at each other, Bianca standing and me sitting up in her bed. Sighing she breaks the silence, "Just forget all about that night and especially him, Veronica."

"I know, Bianca. It was just a moment that's all."


"Good afternoon, Miss. Martin," Kent, our family butler greeted me as I entered our floor. With my head still jolting with pain, I wore my pair of Gucci sunglasses to cover my eyes and my Pink duffel bag hanging off my shoulder in my matching set of Pink sweats.

I gave Kent a smile as I dragged on through the house only wanting to lay in my bed at the moment.

"Oh, Miss. Martin," Kent called in his thick British accent before I scurried down the hall.

"Yes?" I say, turning around to face the elderly man.

"There is a gift for you on the kitchen counter."

"Okay, thank you," I smiled, turning away from the hallway that carried my bedroom.

Walking into the marble countered kitchen there stood a black vase with dark glistening berries, green foliage, and various types of flowers ranging from colors like deep pink to red wine to white. Right in the middle of the bouquet there was a little black card that read...

See you soon ;)
To: Miss Martin
From: Mistah J

After reading the note, my heart immediately began to pound rapidly. Countless of thoughts began racing through my head--this couldn't be from the Joker, he doesn't even know who am I, how could he had gotten my address, what does 'see you soon' mean?

For hours I laid in my bed, completely in the dark and silence just staring at the ceiling with my mind not leaving the topic of the infamous Joker alone.

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