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"YOU GUYS HAVE TO GO!" Johanna yells at the rest of her group as she holds up there current foes powerful hand. She does this with her shield conjured through her Magic, shimmering bright and pink. 

"We can't just leave you behind!" Mary Ann yells back. All four of them keep trying to run at there friend but she keeps pushing them back. No matter how hard they tried, Johanna just pushed them back. 

"Listen, outside of the space time continuum most of your powers won't work and he knows that!" a chuckle rumbles from the gigantic foe while he tries to get at Johanna. "If you don't go, I will force you guys away!"

"We can just come back!" Sarah Ann yells trying not to cry "I have the ability to bring us back!"

"I know which means I'm going to have to lock away your abilities!"

"You wouldn't"

"If its the only way to save you then I will" Johann raises her hand towards them. A set of circles form in front of her hand. "I'm sorry it has to be this way" The circles aim up towards the 4 other girls and smoke shoots out of them, surrounding the girls. Each one of them begin to pass out with the last thing they see is the Foe crushing Johann's shield and crushing her. The fall over and the last glimpse they see before completely passing out is the smoke disappearing and a meadow surrounding them.  

Replacing Johanna (not final title yet)Where stories live. Discover now