In the Meadow

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The first one to wake up was Sarah Ann. Coincidentally, she is the leader of their group. She isn't the tallest. Mary Ann would be that one. Sarah also isn't shortest one. That one belongs to Dianna. Sarah Ann Is the controller of time and space. She sits up and looks around. She is wearing a blue sleeveless dress with large bow around her waist. Her hair is black but her bangs have a white streak.

Sarah Ann looked down at the back of her arm. It said the year was 2013, the 12th of June. The time was 1:13 P.M. When she went to get up she fell over almost immediately due to her being dizzy.

She looked to her left and saw Mary Ann sit up. "What the hell happened?" Mary asks blindly to whoever was paying attention.

Mary Ann Is the controller of death. She got to kill someone with just the touch of her finger. People around the world know her as death.

Mary Ann, like was said before, is the tallest of the four of them. She always wears a pink dress with puffy shoulders and white ruffles at the bottom of the sleeve and the dress itself. Mary Ann also wears a black belt with stockings that go just above her knee and sleeved stockings. Both of which are gray and see through. Just below her left knee however, was a sheath. Inside this sheath was a knife. Yes, Mary Ann knows it can be whatever weapon she wanted it to be. Hell, it used to be a scythe but now days she keeps it as a knife. It's not a small knife though. It was in the shape of a all-purpose Chef's knife and it was a little bigger than one as well.

Mary Ann always had a smile on her face. At least most of the time anyway. Her eyes were a crimson red and her pupils where a lighter red but the pupils were also in the shape of a skull. Her hair was longer and a ruby red. She really didn't like doing anything it so she just pinned it up behind her ear to keep it out of her face.

"Are you Okay?" Sarah asks Mary. Mary sits for a second then in a panic she reaches down for sheath on her leg as fast as she could. In a relief, she felt the handle. She wraps her hand around it and unsheathes it.

"Oh thank god you're okay." Mary Ann holding it like it was a baby.

"Yeah, she's fine" says Annabel. Annabel is lying straight across from Mary.

Annabel is the controller of Nature and life. She is able to use the elements to her whim and bring things to life. She was the bubbly one of the group and was always happy. It was quite hard to break her spirit. If you did though, well, you shouldn't stick around. It was a scary site indeed.

Annabel has longer blonde hair. Probably the longest of them all. She always has a flower crown on top of her head. She always wears a grass green short sleeve shirt that would drupe down her one shoulder. Underneath that however, she wore a tank top that was white. Her shorts were about knee height and emerald green. She was always bare foot though because she didn't walk. Annabel always used the element to keep her floating. This time however, she was just sitting there on the ground.

Annabel hears sobbing coming from the body sitting next to her. She reaches over and taps on her shoulder the body turns to her. The body was Dianna. Poor Dianna. Right now is the saddest one of the group. She was the Closest to Johanna.

Dianna, when she isn't sobbing. is usually happy but she can be very emotional as a person. Naturally, Dianna would be crying her eyes out.

Dianna has short, wavy, brown hair. She always wears a baby blue Tunic and with thick black belt around the waste. She wears short shorts and tall works boots. She only tied them up about halfway and let the rest hang open. She always wore a necklace that held various gems that helped her use her abilities. Dianna was the controller and user of energy. She could draw energy out of things and put it into other things or use it in deadly beams. She could also use the Gem stones on her necklace to use the energy in different ways. Both of which are offense and defense. She had six in total but was always finding more of them.

"It will be okay. I promise." Annabel reaches over and holds Dianna. "We need you to be strong."

"Whats the point, Johanna is dead."

"Yeah that may be true but as far as we know, Annetta isn't. She could very much be alive and well." Mary spoke in hopes she would calm down.

"Annetta is just the soul that gave Johanna her abilities. Once they were fused, there was no Annetta. Just Johanna and that's who I want. "

Sarah Ann stares at her and thinks for a second. Bringing up the fact that Annetta is looking for a replacement for her to fuse with wouldn't help anything. It would just makes things worse. Johanna is gone and there's nothing that can be done.

The girls didn't want to move from the spot. They all lost a close friend. Dianna is taking hard too. The possibilities of them doing anything were low. After a couple hours though, a bright light started illuminating in the middle of their circle where they were lying. A figure started forming. The light dimmed down and sounding in the middle of them was a medium height, a little taller than average even. She had shoulder length pure white hair. She wore a pure white sun dress and pure white shoes. Her skin was paler than average as well.

"Annetta, I was wondering when you will be arriving." Sarah Ann says with happiness in her voice but before she could stay happy she had to ask "I'm guessing since you're here with us, Johanna is no longer alive?"

"Unfortunately, yes she is no longer with us. I'm here to find a replacement so you guys can have abilities back."

Sarah, with a confused look on her face, looked at the back of her arm again, " 2013, the 12th of June 1:13 P.M., I forgot about that one. It's been awhile since we've done this. The last time was when we got Annabel in the seventies."

Annabel looks up, wondering why she heard her name. "Did what?"

Annetta looked her way and explained "Well when one of the Mystic Souls don't have a body to fuse with, the other mystically fused don't get to use their abilities. Its motivation for them to find a host."

"What do you mean I can't use my abilities?!?!" Annabel jumps and fell immediately to the ground. "Well, this blows."

"It is what it is though. The souls made it a thing because the people they would fused with awhile back, went almost 500 years without Annabel's soul. In result, the black plague happened. The people died and the souls were free. They made a packed and tied it to the souls. That's when Mary Ann was fused with." Sarah Ann explained.

"I have chosen who I am fusing with. You guys must find her as well. She's in the town just north of this meadow. I will be with her by tomorrow. You guys should be there in a couple days. Now please get some rest."

Sarah Ann and Annabel lay down. The other two girls were already passed out and not even fazed with what just happened.

Annabel fell asleep pretty quickly but Sarah Ann couldn't help but to worry.

In the woods there stood a figure in a black suit with a red tie. It wore a trench coat and wore a bunny mask that only covered have of its face the ears extended past its head. Since it was made of ceramic, the ears didn't move. The figure was ready to follow them.

Replacing Johanna (not final title yet)Where stories live. Discover now