i really dont ;-;

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I don't understand why people think that violence and hurting someone will Change who they are and who they want to be
Like yeah, ive been bruised and cut by people I care about the most because they didnt like who i was 'becoming'
And yeah, I've been treated like shit because i was and still am different than most people
But no I'm not going to change for a few different opinions because that's not okay
I would never change for someone who doesn't give anything to make me feel better about myself
My entire fucking goal and one of my two only reasons to be alive right now is to make someone happy and like me for who I honestly am
I'm sick of the fakes, pretending to care and pretending to be something that theyre not for attention and affection when theyre not even who they say they are
Its like meeting someone, and they say they're a nice person but when you get to know them more they turn out to be an abusive rapist that does anything they can to get their hands on you
And I would know
So if you're going around and being a douche to people who are different, fuck you because we don't need your opinions

     Have a good day :3

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