Chapter 1: Beginnings

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As Red came round from a deep sleep, he was immediately aware of a sharp pain in his neck. He groaned and sat up, letting his eyes focus on his surroundings, only to become aware that nobody was there. Looking around, it became clear he was in hospital and everything came flooding back to him. 

Red entered the hospital nerves of what was about to commence. He'd never been under anaesthetic before so wasn't sure what to expect. He made his way to reception and signed in, before heading to the waiting room. The red head picked up a book to pass the time and it wasn't long before he was called. He followed the doctor to ward and the rest from there was a white blur.

Swinging his legs off the side of the bed, Red stood up and noticed the heart monitor was working and the main lights were out. The hospital was eerily quiet giving Red a cold shiver up his spine. He detached himself from the broken machine and made his way to the door. He noticed his clothes on the floor and slipped them on, glad that he wouldn't have to wander in a hospital gown. Exiting the room, the atmosphere darkened and it suddenly hit him that something wasn't right. The hospital was empty, no doctors, no patients, just him. Instantly his first thoughts were to escape so he looked for exit signs, slowly starting to make his way down the halls. As he rounded the next corner, a loud crash sounded out of a room further along. 

"Ah Sh*t!"  A voice echoed down the halls, causing Red to head towards the room, relieved to know he wasn't alone. He peeked round the door and caught sight of a a figure in a mudkip hoodie raiding through chests while a broken bottle spilled out on the floor. The red head carefully started to make his way into the room, trying not to spook the person in front of him. He looked down to the shattered glass, unable to read the words on the label but quickly froze hearing the click of a shotgun being loaded. Red's brown eyes met a matching pair but these ones were cold and stern. He raised his hands as a sign of peace waiting and praying he wasn't going to die here in the hospital. Before he could gather his thought, the figure spoke.

"Who the hell are you?"

Author Note: 

And so chapter one is complete. Are you excited yet? Please leave feedback and let us know what you think is going to happen next and who you think will be introduced next~

Keep Crafting

Soul and Dark

Turning Tides - Crafting Dead AUWhere stories live. Discover now