Chapter 2: Trust Issues

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"Who the hell are you?"

Red took a second to gather his thoughts before answering, unable to hide his fear. "I-i'm Red..." he said as his hands clearly shook and his eyes darted to the door, calculating if he'd have time to flee. "What's going on? W-where is everybody?" The figure paused for a moment then replied. "Well you see my friend, we are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. I thought it was obvious..." Red's eyes widen in shock and he struggled to find any words to reply. The guy lowered the gun slightly since it wasn't hard to tell Red was clueless as to what had happened. He took these minutes to eye up the boy before stating his own name. "I'm Husky by the way. I'm assuming you were a patient in the hospital since you know nothing about what's happened to the world" Red nodded as it finally sank in. He wandered over to a window and looked out to the streets below. People shuffling around, body parts missing, eyes cold and lifeless. Buildings and houses destroyed, fires burning all over the city, cars abandoned or flipped. 

The red head shivered and moved away realisation hitting him that he was now completely alone in this world. He'd always been sort of a loner but he'd always had one or two people to fall back on if he needed a friend, especially with the bullying he faced. Husky watched him as he went over to a chest and checked inside. "I've looted them all. There isn't anything good on these floors." Red looked round and stared warily. "Why should I trust you? You could be hiding it all for yourself..." Husky put his gun away and watched the boy continue to root through the empty chests. He sighed deeply and responded bluntly. "Listen kid. You're not going to last five minutes out there on your own. You should come with me. I have a base not far from here that we could stay at." Red turned to Husky highly insulted. "How would you know? You never met me before" the teen stated before shoving Husky away slightly causing the brunette to step back instinctively. "Hey calm down there Red. I don't want any trouble. I just want to help." 

The red head ignored him and left the room, deciding to try and lose Husky by getting far enough away to find a place to hide. He started to run down the abandoned halls, searching for the stairs, hoping that Husky guy wouldn't follow him. He found what he was looking for and made his way down to the lower floors, running through his options in his mind. The teen wanted to get as far away from the hospital as he could still not sure this was all real. Assuming he'd lost Husky for now, he took the chance to search for chests, just in case there was anything he needed. Not being the brightest, Red blindly walked into a room not seeing that there was a walker over by the window. The zombie turned it's head at the scent of human flesh, making it's way towards the unsuspecting boy. It grabbed his arm causing Red to scream and panic trying to pull his arm away resulting in a small part of his onesie ripping off. Husky heard the screams from the second floor as he made his way down to find the stubborn kid. Red took a few steps back only to find himself backed into a corner by the undead creature. He was weaponless and alone. Taking a deep breath, he held his shaking body and closed his eyes waiting for the pain to start.

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