|| Limerence ||

262 40 32

In the deep blue,

That I am sinking in.

The crook holds

Specks of green shining.

The armor of gentle love,

Kindled with flecks of passion.

Whispering of your heart's purity,

Dancing with flutter of emotions.

You find your world,

When you open your soul's aperture,

And I lose mine,

When I fall in yours.

There was a time,

The glaring truth in your eyes

The soft nod of your head,

The bright smile on your face sufficed.

I found steps to your acceptance

I found meanings behind the nothingness.

But today,

I know.

The truth I sought was a mere lie,

Transient hope of a reason, falsified.

The yes I found was a string of rejection.

The love I thought, I saw.... Was a mere illusion

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