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You were just a shadow,

An after-thought of how my love will be.

When my friends talked about this girl they saw,

I didn't know,

You were filling the face of my imagined love,

With your expressions and colors.

Then came the day,

When my eyes breathed life,

For the first time, like a barren land does,

When rains caress their being over the dry soil.

I saw your back towards me,

With that chocolate brown t-shirt and grey denim.

A strange hold pulled me,

The yearn to see you vacuumed all other emotions.

The silenced chaos in my heart was a warning,

That the lightening was soon to follow.

Which it did,

When I followed you into that rickety bus.

The thunder struck my heart,

Which beat its first love beat.

Your eyes melting my being,

Your lips insinuating madness,

And your visage warming edges of the shadow,

Of who I thought, my love will be.

It will now be you,

Just you, till I start forgetting what love should be like.

As I sat behind you, 

I was losing my world to gain a world with you.

As I breathed the air that caressed you,

I lost everything I was, to finally find myself with you.

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