Chapter 1

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Bored beyond belief by the instructor's dull and repetitive lecture, Derrick leaned back in his chair, wishing he could skip this part of his training. He'd already gone through extensive preparation and instruction, and by all accounts, had his Medical Degree in Internal Medicine. As with the rest of the residents at his family's small hospital, though, he needed to complete his education in the US and receive an accredited degree.

The double doors of the auditorium burst open, and a young woman barreled into the didactic session. A backpack slung over one shoulder, causing her to walk with a slight tilt, and her long platinum hair fighting to escape her ponytail captured everyone's attention from the speaker, especially Derrick's.

The instructor didn't miss a beat, though, as he droned on about malpractice suits, state-of-the-art procedures that the training hospital would be putting into effect, and finally the importance of being on time if you wanted to be selected to be a resident upon finishing the program.

The last topic, Derrick was certain, was aimed at the young woman who was now nervously jotting down everything the lecturer was saying.

Derrick couldn't care less about a position within the prestigious Boston hospital. He knew his future and what role he was destined to fill. He would be an attending physician at his family's small hospital, and his father had hinted that he'd be overseer. The council had already mentioned him stepping in; it was just a matter of him being ready.

The discourse ended, and Derrick moved quickly, cutting off escaping students so he could bump into the woman. Not that he was supposed to fraternize with anyone in school, but she'd caught his eye so completely he had to talk to her.

While tapping on her cell phone, the young woman juggled her books in the crook of her arm as she rushed toward the exit. Busy woman, he thought.

"Need some help?" He reached for the books in her arms before she could object.

"Hey ..." She looked like a viper ready to strike, but then her pupils dilated as she stared up at him. "I'm sorry ... do I know you?"

"No." He offered her a smile, hoping to settle her nerves. He didn't speak to many women, but when he did, he always got that same staggered expression. "But you looked as though you needed a third hand."

"I don't think I could manage if I were an octopus."

He laughed. Beautiful and a sense of humor. Most of the women he knew were too serious. "Funny. Are you off to another lecture?"

"No ... I'm late for work. I keep telling my boss not to schedule me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but he doesn't listen, and then — sorry. TMI. I tend to ramble on, something the professors keep fussing at me about. Thanks. I sent the message, so I can carry my books now. I'm not up on all these new gadgets." She waved her phone. "This is my first cell phone. I can't afford it, but I really needed it. " She smacked her hand over her mouth and reached for her books. "See ... I never shut up."

Derrick couldn't help but smile. She was so cute. "I'll walk you to your car. That way if your boss replies, you can respond quickly."

Her eyes narrowed this time, a look he wasn't accustomed to; the few women he talked to trusted him completely. Even the female professors said he had a wonderful bedside manner. "Umm ... it's okay. I take the T."

"Would you like a lift, then, so you aren't late?"

She shook her head. "No. Thank you. I appreciate it ... but I don't even know you."

"Derrick Ashton." He offered her his hand.

The young woman hesitantly extended her slender, creamy-skinned hand. Her hand looked so small and delicate in his larger, olive-skinned hand. "Nice to meet you, Derrick. I'm Janelle Heskin. But still ... "

Creatus (They Exist), prequel to the Creatus SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now