Chapter 5

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Derrick took the same path he always did as he followed Janelle home, watching that she made it to her second-story apartment before one of the crackheads that lived a block away robbed her for the few bucks she might be carrying. He also kept an eye on the man who'd spent only six months in jail on a rape charge.

Janelle Heskin was smart, though, so she'd make it out of here soon enough. Not soon enough for his liking, but all he could do was watch. She wouldn't understand if he gave her the money to move, and she'd never accept a handout. Maybe his uncle could set up a grant for medical students. Through some dummy corporation they used to buy safe houses. That'd work.

"Caught 'cha!" Michael said, plopping down in front of him.

Derrick shoved him out of the way, then charged around the next building, moving quickly so he'd lose his younger brother. He wasn't supposed to run, but it was dark, and he was dressed all in black. Most residents were too oblivious to pay anyone attention anyway. One of the reasons he felt compelled to watch over Janelle. If she even had a car, he'd feel better. She didn't think walking a few blocks was unsafe, but it was. Not only because she was outside in the open, but because she did it regularly. Druggies knew how to get quick money. They staked out homes where they knew they'd find guns and jewelry, and they knew waitresses walked out with cash, enough to buy a night's worth of partying.

He reached the next block, and Michael landed in front of him with a soft thud.

"Get lost, Mike!" Derrick grunted, making a dash for his Navigator parked at the end of the block.

Michael jogged up alongside of him. "You said you weren't coming tonight."

Derrick stopped and crossed his arms, tucking his fists closely to his side so that he wasn't tempted to punch his little brother, who was actually larger than he was. "Since when is it your job to monitor my movements?"

Michael grinned. "Since you agreed to put me in charge of national security."

"Not to watch me, Mike. Your job is to watch the authorities."

Mike harrumphed, but it came out like a growl. "I wouldn't have to monitor the authorities if certain creatus didn't show off their abilities. No one has questioned our existence in years. I think Dad wanted me to watch you."

Derrick walked toward his vehicle again, turning his back on his brother. In a flash, Mike was at the passenger door. Even though he didn't want to, Derrick hit the unlock button. "Look who's talking."

"Yeah, well, if I didn't have to keep an eye on you ..." he trailed off, then reached for the stereo, turning on some new age rock station Derrick hated. Probably just to irritate him.

Michael had a lot to learn, the reason creatus stayed and taught in their private schools until they were thirty-five.

"I only watch her when she picks up her daughter and walks home."

"How about when she goes out at night ... "

"She hardly ever goes out at night." Thank goodness, he thought.

"But somehow you're there when she does."

"Are you stalking me, Mike?"

His brother grinned again. "Just trying out some new toys."

"Whatever it is ... get rid of it," Derrick demanded. "I'm not your concern."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Such a grouch ... Let's go out. We haven't gone out alone since I got here. For that matter, we didn't go out together when I was home for a couple of weeks last summer either."

Creatus (They Exist), prequel to the Creatus SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now