Chapter 12

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Ellie didn't have a choice; it wasn't really a question she could decide for herself because he already had. She hesitated, trying to figure the odds of him killing her if she refused, but eventually slowly Ellie began to nod. "Bastian," she played it off as shock. "I can't believe it."

"Is that a yes?" He beamed up at her, his dimples making her just slightly less fearful, as he slid the ring on her finger.

"Of course it's a yes!" Feigning excitement she threw her arms around him and squealed with delight. "I never thought you'd ask."

"The time has come," he said simply. "I'll have a few of my guys head over to help you move."

"Move?" She released her grip on him and he slowly let her down to her feet.

"Mm hmm," he shrugged and straighter his tie. "You'll be living here."

"Uhh," she huffed, lost for words, and shook her head. "I'm not ready for that. We haven't even set a date."

He turned to her again, his face sudden void of any emotion, and looked at her. "How long would you like to wait?"

"Until we get married?" She suggested. "It'll be so much more special that way."

"Two weeks," he said. "I expect you to be ready to move in by then."

"I'll uhh, I'll start to prepare right now."

Bastian shook his head and, grabbing her around her waist, hoisted her up over his shoulder. "We're celebrating."


After three hours, Juice was worried but when Ellie had been gone for five he decided to do what he felt he had to. Poe had fallen asleep on the couch at her regular nap time, not that he was warned and instructed about anything past breakfast, and he was ready to make a move as soon as she woke up.

"Juice?" Ellie whispered as she stepped into the apartment to see Poe snoring quietly.

"Where you been?" He asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, I know you got shit to do, I just couldn't get away."

"Shit to do?" He asked surprised. "I was freaking out! I thought something happened to you!"

Drawing her head back she nodded and smiled a little at him before wrapping her arms around him. "I'm not used to hearing that from someone who actually means it."

"Of course, I mean it," he kissed her cheek. "What happened?"

"He proposed," she shrugged. "I said yes, I had to or I wasn't walking out of there."

"We gotta talk to Hap," Juice pulled away from her. "No more lies."

Her eyes drifted to Poe and she nodded. "He's going to hate me."

"He'll be mad, yeah, but he won't hate you."

"I kind of have a plan," she took his hand and pulled him to the kitchen table. "I'm going to need some help, though."

"I'll help, Hap too."

Ellie smiled and prepared to fill him in, "Thanks, Juicy."


"Ahh shit," Happy hissed. "Bitch."

"Oh stop," Rory laughed. "Fucking pussy, it's just alcohol."

He moved away from her as she attempted to clean the wound on his forehead but Rory pulled him back and straddled him. "I hate you," he growled under his breath.

Rory shrugged. "Yeah, well, I hate you too."

"You know how close I came to killing you?" He asked, more serious now, as he looked up at her.

"No," she said. "You wouldn't have, I had you, Hap."

"No, you didn't," he hooked his fingers in her belt loops. "I ain't sorry I didn't though."

"Happy," Rory laughed a little. "Is this you trying to be sweet?"

"I'm just saying," he shrugged.

"You're adorable," she held his face between her thumb and fingers. "And I don't hate you but don't tell anyone."

With his lips and face smushed from her squeezing he agreed and tried to smile. "I don't either."

"You talk to your sister?" She asked as she let go of his face. They'd been hanging out, drinking and having sex, but Rory never forgot her main goal in coming to Charming. "There's a plan to get Dana out, they know where she is, but that's only one aspect."

"She won't talk to me," he said sadly.

"I know, I understand too, I'm just saying it's dangerous and I need to get him."

"That what this is?" He squinted as he looked at her.

"No," Rory said with a smile. "I know who she is, I could just go and talk to her myself, this is...just...exactly what it is, I guess."

Pinching her chin, he pulled her face to his. "Good."

"I should go, though," she jumped off him. "I do have some shit to handle."

"Thanks for patching me up."

"I did it," she winked as she passed the messy bed. "It's the least I can do."

Rory grabbed her things to leave and, not long after, Ellie text him to set up a meet with the both of them. There were no details but he agreed and never once thought something as wild as the truth would be coming to light so soon.

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