Chapter 17

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Once everyone's tears were dried, including Happy's, the siblings were given some privacy to talk. They sat together on the couch, Ellie curled into a ball, while Rory and a prospect retreated to the kitchen.

"Where's Poe?" Happy asked quickly.

"She's with Bastian but she's safe," Ellie sniffled. "Please don't yell at me for it, he'd never hurt her, I needed to talk to you." Scooting closer she leaned her head on his uninjured shoulder. "I'm so sorry he did this, Hap. You're okay? How's Juice?"

"I'm fine," he grunted defensively. "He's hurtin' but he's gonna be alright. Are you okay? He touch you?"

"No," she lied. "We talked and he let me come out to check on you. I told him I'd talk you out of full-blown war, Hap."

"Fuck that," he growled. "I'm going up there."

"It'lll put Poe in danger," she warned. "You go at the house there will be so many bullets flying you can't guarantee she won't get hurt."

Happy hesitated for a moment, "We're bringing you two home."

"I know, but it has to be through me, I have to organize it and it's going to take time."

"How much time?" 

"Weeks," she shrugged, "Maybe months?" She looked away, feeling judgement and rage in his eyes, before continuing to speak. "We don't have an army, we can't go against Bastian, but if you give me time I can...soften him up. Once I get him to trust me again, make him think I'm okay with this family bullshit, then I'll make my move."

Happy shook his head. "He'll never trust you."

"He will," her lips turned into a deep frown. "I'm not going to pretend I'm completely happy," she laughed sadly. "He'll know I don't want to be there, not fully, but if I follow this rules and play his game and pretend the way he wants me to, he'll let his guard down. The constant chaperones and keeping me in the house, it'll stop. He wants to be normal with me, he always did, and it's a good look for someone like him. You know how public image plays a role for these business guys, legitimate business at least."

"Yeah," Happy grunted. "And then?"

"And then... I don't know but I will be home. I promise."

His face turned dark as he fought the urge to cry. "Elle, I don't like this," he admitted.

"I know," Ellie whimpered. "I don't either and I hate that Poe knows him now and that she'll feel the loss when he's gone, but this is what has to happen."

There was a weak knock on the wall and both Lowmans looked up to see Rory lingering in the doorway. "Sorry, I have to run out. It's a work thing," she shrugged. "I'll be back though," she smiled sweetly at Happy.

Ellie's eyes were cold as they looked at one another for a long moment. "You don't have to," she reminded Rory. "You know, since Dana is home safe and shit. I can handle the rest."

"I didn't do this," Rory snapped back. "I tried to help, I'm sorry Poe got taken, but this isn't on me."

"No?" Ellie laughed. "Cause it seems like as soon as you popped up my life went to shit, so I think it has maybe something to do with you," each word dripped with attitude and contempt.

Rory scoffed and looked at Happy, "I'm done."

With a scolding look at his sister, Happy stood up and headed toward Rory. The two kissed and Ellie felt her heart sink, heavy with loneliness and jealousy. It wasn't possessive or one-sided as she was so used to; it was passionate and even, in a dark way, sweet. All she ever wanted was to be loved yet she was the one planning to kill her first real love, her long term boyfriend and the father of her child. Rory left and Happy returned to the couch.

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