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Welcome, Naruto Enthusiast! Its us Flannery, Koca, and Chase bringing you another fantastic issue about the amazing world of Naruto and its fanfiction. This magazine has gone a bit smoother, so I think were getting the hang of this!

To readers: We hope you enjoy this issue! As always we work are butts off to get you guys something entertaining and informative to look forward to :D So grab a drink and two of your favorite snacks and hop into the issue!

To team: I will say that some of you guys should get in some articles faster. I know you guys are busy, but if you need an excuse please PM us ASAP! Us admins will start discussing if there should be a deadline on excuses, but enough of the jerk-admin type stuff! BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH THE MAGAZINE! Let me stop...

Anyways, let's get with our normal intro~!

Hey this is Naruto Magazine, a monthly book that contains articles of all sorts made by the Naruto Team!

New to this and this is the very first time you've ever heard of it? Let me explain.

As I said, Naruto Magazine is a monthly book that contains articles made by the Naruto team. Giving you guys what you wouldn't usually see in normal books.

In these Naruto Magazine books, articles such like WoW, Questionaire, Fangirl Mania and Rapid Rants are posted by our Naruto Magazine team with their own words of one's free will and choice.

Enjoy your daily Animu Trash Minna-San! <3

-Koca, Flannery, and Chase <3

Naruto Magazine #25Where stories live. Discover now