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CyanCheetah here!

Let's jump right in!

Minato fanfiction 'Konoha's Yellow Flash Really Hates Paperwork' by Sir Chris. A Fanfiction.net story.

Namikaze Minato expected to be the Shinigami's dinner, not his judge of the dead. Now he must spend his days judging those that have died and file the paperwork when he is done. Maybe he should have stayed in the Shinigami's stomach after all. A humorous take on the life of a legend after his death, and what he finds as the years pass.

This is quite a lengthy story, with 49 chapters and approximately 237,000 words. It may just be me though, when I say that long stories are awesome. The plot gets flushed out more, and the longer you're with the character, the more attached you become.

Anyway, I find this book especially unique because of the way it does things so differently from others. Not only is it talking about a character after death, but all of which is happening on Earth in the Narutoverse, is completely irrelevant to the story--unless a character has died. I also find it quite interesting how the story is talking about this badass fighting legend, sitting at a desk and doing paperwork. The whole concept is humorous in itself.

It also really does a great job of making you anxious, especially when you've watched--or read--Naruto, and you're waiting for the next dead character to be judged. You end up wondering, "What will Minato say to this character? What will they say to Minato? What will they do? What will happen?" At least, those are the questions I end up asking when I know a certain character is going to die soon.

The author does an awesome job with the interactions between the characters--they're pure gold. They can infer how canon characters who have never met each other will react and converse, keeping them in character for the most part. And that's why I get so excited for the meetings between characters.

Another great thing about this story that I personally like, is how the author has an explanation for some of the things that happened in canon. For example; they explain how Orochimaru became the sick and twisted snake he was. I'll just say this: The Shinigami messed with his life way more than he should have.

Chapter are pretty long, usually exceeding 2000 words, which is quite the bonus for me. Not to mention, a large amount of it is flashbacks--honestly, there's at least one flashback in almost every chapter.

This story is written very well, pushing the reader to read further, to find out what happens next. Although, the story doesn't really seem to have a specific goal to get to. But that's what makes it all the more unpredictable, and all the more fun to read in your spare time.


'History's Strongest Ninja Midori' by Arcixus. A Fanfiction.net story.

It is said that the Uchiha clan's dojutsu stems from feelings of grievous loss and emotional pain, what then happens if someone from little ol' Earth gets reincarnated as a descendant of Otsutsuki Indra's bloodline?

First, I would honestly like to talk about the OC Midori. This is truly a unique character with quite the odd personality. Midori is what you consider intelligent, more or less due to previous years of experience in her old life. Not to mention the gender change.

Anyway, this girl is an Uchiha who was orphaned right after the Nine-Tails attacked. She went to the academy, eventually graduating to ninja hood. Midori is quite witty, and very self-aware. It might just be me, but I can't really pick up any defining personality traits--but other than that, she is a cool character to read about.

One thing I absolutely love about this book is how the author weaves in information. In dialogue, they explain things that don't exactly pertain to the conversation. As the story is in first person, it correctly represents how one's thoughts truly are. The reader is witnessing what's happening around Midori, but also aware of her thoughts on the inside.

Reading this story, I noticed that the author doesn't often describe a lot of the setting. It's focused entirely on what Midori interprets in her thoughts. It's also based on her interactions with the things and people around her that help to describe the setting, instead of any other way.

In this book, the author has Midori recall most of her experiences instead of actively writing flashbacks. But they do a well enough job at being vivid in their descriptions. Arcixus' proficiency at describing the experience make up for any lack in description of setting, so it fits very well for that story.

The story is also quite easy to immerse yourself in when you start reading. Every sentence leads you right into the next one, every chapter leading you into the next. The flow of it is all smooth and easy, going at a normal pace.

The writing is appealing, along with the way everything is worded. Different sentence structures are used professionally, and aren't sloppy. The story is neat and well organized overall.


These are amazing stories, so go check them out on Fanfiction.Net! See ya later!

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