Chapter 12-Your Happiness

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"What do you want from me Ben?" I say into the phone.

"*Chuckles* Oh my dear Luna how naive have you become?" He says. I wince at the words. 

"Ben." I say losing my patience. 

"Your happiness is what I want." he says bluntly. 

"Two people have already died how many more do you want?!" I say my voice squeaking near the end.

"Ohhhh does this mean my dear Natalie is alive??" He squeals and claps his hands indicating I'm on speaker. I sigh.

"I just want this to end." I say and sigh getting agitated. 

"Then meet me in the alleyway where it all went down tomorrow at 8:20 am."He says referring to the alleyway where Natalie was shot. He hangs up then.

Oh my god what have I gotten myself into? He's going to kill me!

I run to my room and close my door. I can't tell anyone about this. I don't want them to hold me back. No one else is going to die because of me. I can't let it happen. I fall into bed and burrow under the warm blankets on my bed. I plug my headphones in and listen to "Crash" by You Me At Six. My eyes brim with tears. I don't even have the strength to fight them so I let them flow down my face landing on my arm that is resting underneath my head. I lay on the side of my bed closest to my window. By this time tomorrow I'll be dead. As I think about tomorrow I feel an arm wrap around my body and picks me up. My headphones fall out of my ears. I close my eyes. Not letting whoever this person is seeing my red eyes. I'm set down on the edge of the bed. 

"Luna?" Vic's soft voice cooed to me. The tears come at a faster pace but I still refuse to open my eyes.

"Luna let me see your beautiful eyes." Vic coos to me and grabs my hands that are placed in my lap. I give in to Vics requests and I see him sitting on the ground holding my hands and looking up at me with his chocolate brown doe eyes. Tears now fall down my face landing on my bare legs. 

"Baby why are you crying?" he says and puts his hand to my cheek and catches some of my tears. I don't answer him I just lean back onto my bed so that my torso is on the bed but my legs are still hanging off. Vic climbs onto the bed and sits criss cross applesauce with his back on the headboard. He pulls me into his lap and I stuff my face into his chest. 

"I know about you parents is that why you're crying?" I don't say anything or do anything. I just sit in his lap.

"Luna I love you forever and always." he says and I can't even say anything back my crying just turns into light sobs. He turns off the light and lays down while still holding onto me and I end up laying on my side cuddling his side my my hand on his heart. I hear his breath slow and his muscles become less tense. 

"Always." I whisper.

*The next day* 7:30 Luna's Pov: 

 I wake up and slowly make my way out of bed making sure not to disturb Vic. I get dressed and scribble a semi long note for Vic and Natalie. As I get ready to go I walk to Vic and lightly kiss his forehead. I do the same for Natalie. I leave my phone. And I grab my keys and walk outside to my car. I drive to the alleyway tears slip out of my eyes on the way. I park down the street from the alleyway. I stop the car and hit the steering wheel multiple times. Why did it have to come to this? As I get out of my car I slid the hood of my all black hoodie on. I walk to the alleyway with my head down my eyes rimmed red. I turn the corner and there he is. I pull my hoodie off revealing my face.

"Missed me?" He says and comes next to me and twirls my hair with his fingers. I don't answer him and he looks up at me from my hair. He then lifts his hand and slaps my face.

"Answer me!" He growls.

"No I didn't." I say and he punches me. I spit out blood from my mouth. I look at him and I can see the hate in his eyes.

"It hurts doesn't it." I say to him. He freezes.

"What?" he growls at me.

"To feel worthless. Left to deal with it on your own." I say. He walks up to me and punches me in the face again. This time instead of just sitting there I punch him back in the eye. He looks at me shocked. My blood boils. I run at him and punch him again in the mouth. I go in for another punch this time he grabs my arm and twists it behind me. I squeal. 

"And to think I was actually thinking about not killing you." He growls in my ear then pushes me to the ground. I land with a thud. I turn around so I'm lying on my back. He jumps on top of me and punches my face multiple times. Out of energy I just lie there. He gets  up and then yanks me up so that I'm standing up. He backs up to a wall and slams me against it four times. He stops after the fourth time and backs up. I feel the warmth of life slipping out of me. I slid down the wall and land on the ground. He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

"Bye love." He says but before he can pull the trigger I hear a muffled bang and he falls to the ground. Everything goes blurry and I black out.

Vic's Pov: 

As I open my sleepy eyes I look down expecting to see my beloved girlfriend. But instead I see no one there. A wave of panic rushes over me something's not right about this. I sit up and see Luna's phone on top of two envelopes. I take her phone off the envelopes and pick them up. One has my name on it and the other has Natalie's name on it. I set down the one with Natalie's name on it and pick up mine. I open it and inside is a letter.

My dearest Vic,

   I never thought I could meet someone that would make me feel so safe. Someone that I could trust so much. Someone as smart, talented, and extremely handsome as you are. From night one I knew I was in love with you. I'm sorry it had to end like this. I can't let anyone else get hurt because of me. He's going to kill me in the alleyway where he tried to kill Natalie. And if my death means that you can stay alive then I think it's the only option. I'm going to miss you Vic. If this didn't have to happen then I would've married you and spent everyday of my life with you. Thank you for making these last 4 weeks of my life wonderful. Make sure Kellin takes care of my Natalie and make sure they don't delay the wedding because of this. Take care of Frank and Sir Fluffernut. I hope you find someone who loves you as much as I do. I'll miss you. Your curly hair. Your smell. Your warm chocolate doe eyes. Carry on darling. Maybe we're meant to lose the ones we love but I'll fight for you till then. I love you forever and always. 

With love, 


No no no! This can't be happening! I won't let her die! Tears pour down my face. I get my phone out and dial 911.

"Hello this is an operator speaking what's your emergency?" A lady says to me.

"My girlfriend is going to be murdered in a alleyway!" I say panicking. 

"What alleyway Sir?" she says calmly and starts typing on her computer.

"The one near that Italian restaurant. Mario's I think it's called?" I say.

"Police and ambulances are on there way." She says.

"Thank you." I say.

"Wait Sir don't-" her last words are cut off as I hang the phone up.

I shake Natalie and tell her everything and she reads her note. We get our phones and quickly put proper clothes on and then rush to the alleyway. 

I will not let her leave me.

Author's Note: Okay guys you really didn't think I would let everything end completely happy did you? Vote. Comment. Follow. Also I made a song reference in Vic's letter can you find it and do you know the song?

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