(1) Desperate Dreams

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Draco Malfoy woke up in a cold sweat. The dream itself hadn't been frightening, in fact the dream had been... pleasing. No. No, no, no, it wasn't- it couldn't be- pleasing in any way at all.

The dream had started out peaceful. He was in his bedchamber at hogwarts, studying alone. Then, there was a knock at the door. This was nothing unusual for one of his dreams, although in the dream, Draco felt unexplicibaly giddy. At first, Draco thought it was only because he wasn't having a nightmare, but now, as he was re-evaluating the dream, Draco had a different idea on where the giddiness came from. Continuing to remember the events of the dream, Draco went on to the next part. In real life, Draco would have not bothered to go over to the door, he simply would have said, "enter," but in the dream, Draco got up to open the door to greet his unknown guest.

As soon as the door opened, Draco was pushed against the wall, it wasn't rough, or violent, but needy, as if the guest had to have him. Between the wall and his visiter, his hand's in the visitor's hair, they kissed. Slow, at first, but then faster and more desperate, each trying to get as much of the other as possible. The kiss felt overdue almost, as if he had been waiting his entire life for this to happen and now it finally was. Though the feelings appeared new, who knew how long they had been pent up in Draco's subconciousness.

Draco pushed himself up against the other, holding onto every shred of hope telling him that this was real, that he was kissing Harry Potter, and Harry Potter was kissing him back, in his dorm. That Harry Potter had his hands all over Draco Malfoy, and those hands would never leave Draco.

But then the dream ended. Leaving Draco Malfoy with sadness clearly displayed on his face as he replayed the dream over and over again in his mind.

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