(2) The Slytherin Dorms

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It was incredibly early, so there was no real reason to get out of bed, but Harry couldn't stay in his dorm any longer, there was too much on his mind. Voldermort's return, the death of Diggory, it was all too much too handle. Harry wandered aimlessly through the halls, not paying attention as to where his feet were taking him. This year was salready off to a bad start, and it was only the first week of school.

Harry hadn't been made prefect, when he had been so sure it would be him! No one deserved it more than he did, Harry had fought the Dark Lord more times than anyone, and he had come out of each battle alive, too! What could the other prefects have that he didn't? Not to mention that Malfoy was a prefect. Harry began boiling up with anger at the thought of Malfoy having all of that power, and most definitely abusing it.

At the thought of Malfoy, Harry came to realize where he was. The dungeons. Slytherin's dorms. Harry had certainly not meant to come here, yet why did his feet lead him to this place. Figuring he might as well explore a little bit, Harry made his way into the Slytherin dorm, only getting through by threatening the painting, whom, despite being the gatekeeper for slytherin, was not very eager to get into a fight.

Once inside of the dorms, Harry took a look around. It was cozier than it had been the last time he had been here, back in his second year. There were several large black couches, all pointed towards a fire, enchanted to light up silver. There was also many more books than Harry had imagined for the Slytherin common room, considering the number of idiots that Slytherin employed. The only really smart one was Malfoy. Malfoy was one of the best wizards in the school Harry admitted to himself grudgingly, not really wanting to say it, but realizing it for the truth.

Remembering his task at hand, Harry continued to explore the common room, finally going up a silver staircase that led to the boy's dorms. The Slytherin bedrooms were entirely different from Gryffindor, in that only one or two boys stayed in each room, rather than the four dormmates that Harry was so used to. At the end of the hall was the prefect's room, where, Harry realized, Malfoy was most likely sleeping right now. Harry put his ear to the door, just to see if Malfoy really were in there, and started in surprise when he heard an ugly, uncontrollable sob coming from behind the door.

Feeling so uncomfortable, Harry left the Slytherin dorm, working on convincing himself that the sound was only an owl, or perhaps just the old school settling. No one would be up this early in the morning. And besides, Slytherin's didn't cry. Especially Draco Malfoy

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