Chapter 16: Two Reasons

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"Since the floaters are unable :to fly in the storm, all travel must be overground," Gee said solemnly. "Even ground transportation is risky with the weather conditions as they are. I pondered the alternatives, and think I have a solution." He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts.

Freck couldn't wait, "What is it Gee? Out with it." Freck's kinda pushy that way, ya know.

"Hang on Freck." Gee spoke ta us privately so's the secret didn't get out. "The idea I have has never been tried, and it involves you, and your newest ability. We have established that you are an Initiator. You can converse with other life forms and open channels to allow for us to join in . . ."

"I knows that already. Why're ya stallin'? She interrupted.

"Wait Freck," Gee told her, "I am choosing my words carefully, so I will not upset anyone . . ."

"Unless there is more danger, I cain't see why ya would have ta do that! Oh, I get it. It's gonna be dangerous, huh?"

"The truth is, I do not know. Without your ability it would be impossible. With your ability it is still only fifty-fifty.

"On my world exists a creature very similar to your polar bear, but larger and more canny. We have observed them, but no one has ever gotten close enough to make contact. They are powerful. If anything could trek through this near hurricane, they could."

It didn't take a mind reader to see that Freck was gettin' pretty doggone tense. "So, I'm supposed to open communications with an animal that even the Keepers cain't approach. Is that it?"

For a moment everythin' went silent 'cept the wind. It crashed against the hangar door like it was determined to rip it out chunk by chunk. So far the thick iron doors held.

She glanced nervously at the gates. "Do I hafta go outside somewheres ta do this?"

"I hope not Freck. If my plan is going to work, we need you safe. You, and Wishes, will remain here, but I must go."

My heart jumped. My breath stopped. My hands were sweaty and I could feel my eyes buggin' out. "No Gee, ya cain't do that!" I mind-hollered.

"Wishes' is right. We cain't lose you over some rolls of foil."

"It is bigger than rolls of foil. It is a chance to contact a species previously out of reach. Until you, Freck, gained Initiator Cigam, connecting with them proved impossible."

Freck looked up and tilted her head to the right. I could tell she was chewin' this over. "That's what this is all about, ain't it? The Keepers collect knowledge wherever they can find it. It's their Gardiner given responsibility--right?"

Gee responded with, "That's true."

"Then the three of us have a greater purpose. We are explorers, kinda like Lewis and Clark. We are sent out by the Keepers ta blaze trails they can follow. Hmm . . ."

I could've read her mind to see what she was thinkin'. I really could've, but I didn't. Mind readin' just out of curiosity is like walkin' into a house without knockin'. Gee reads our minds 'cuz he's our teacher and needs immediate access, especially in dangerous situations. Otherwise it's rude. The ability ta read minds should only be used in emergencies, like when all other attempts fail.

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