Chapter 30: Particle Beams

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After the amazin' rooms we just went through, I 'spected the Rule Maker's chamber would knock our socks off, but it didn't. The difference between them rooms and this one was . . . was . . . I'm not sure how to say it, cluttered? Junky? Half the walls was cork like school bulletin boards. All kinds of stuff was pinned ta 'em, flyers, posters, maps, and photos. It was layer on layer. They musta had six inch long tacks ta hold all those papers. It smelled kinda musty. There was books stacked from floor to ceiling in every corner like uneven pyramids.

It all reminded me of the newspaper office back home. Thinkin' 'bout home squinched my heart. Ya know, ya can miss sumpin' so bad it hurts. If we failed to stop a war, what would happen to good ol' Burns? There was a lump in my throat as my eyes was wellin' up.

The Keepers of Knowledge collected information, but the Rule Makers looked like they collected everythin' . There was stacks o' books all around, many with papers hangin' out like they was tryin' ta escape. I couldn't see the tops of their desks 'cuz they was behind a curved, raised platform. If'n their desks was anythin' like the walls and corners they had ta be a mess too. I mind-spoke ta Freck, "Did ya ever expect this mess?"

"No way. Doesn't anyone straighten up this place?"

Another voice broke in, but it warn't Gee's, "What, you don't like our work space?"

Both me and Freck jumped like we was jabbed by a 'lectric wire.

"I am sorry. I didn't intend to frighten you."

Freck mind-spoke cautiously, "Who are you? Are you in this room?"

"Of course I am in the room. I am the Chief Maker seated at the raised desk right in front of you."

"Oh my. I'm sorry I thought your room was pretty messy."

"No need to apologize, Freida Ann Motley. She chuckled and mind-said, "The anterooms are for show, this is where the business of governing actually happens. The recent events are causing anxiety. In our attempts to keep the citizens calm, we've gotten a little behind on our housekeeping.

I thought to myself, "A little behind? That's like sayin' the Titanic suffered a little boo-boo."

She seemed nice. I sure did hope so. I was expectin' someone like a serious, scowlin' judge all ready to send us up the river. This Chief Maker was different. She smiled. She warn't dressed in black robes neither. In fact all of the Rule Makers were surprisingly casual. I liked it. People take themselves too serious when they wear uniforms and such.

Freck communicated, "You knows our names, we would like ta know yours."

"Everyone calls me Ethyl. My real name is too difficult to pronounce, even for some Arianni."

"Should we call ya Ethyl, Chief Maker, your highness, or what?"

"Ethyl is fine. I would fall off my chair laughing if anyone addressed me as your highness."

Her voice in our heads was soothin'. "It's good you brought Wishes with you, Freck. We have followed your adventures for quite awhile now."

"Ya have?" said both of us at the same time. That took me aback. If they knew about us, why did they try to keep us away?

"I have a request. Is it all right if we speak aloud? Some of our Makers are unable to communicate mind-to-mind."

Freck stammered, "Okay."

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