The "winged-people"

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We stood there starring at each other. His warm hazel red eyes seemed to trap me in a trance.

"Stop starring at me like that" sabas said snapping me back to reality.

"What? Uh you stop starring!" I quickly shot back.

"It's hard to not pay attention to you, your sword is about two inches From my face."

I didn't realize I still had my weapon pointed at him.

"Oh!" I quickly withdrew my sword.

Sebas let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh don't act as if I was going to hurt you"

"Huh?" He got to his feet.

"You heard me sebas" I giggled twirling a blade of glass between my thumb and pointer finger.

"No. Look!" He said pointing to the sky.

"PITA!" A female voice shouted as she came dashing downward.

"Layla?" I asked puzzled getting to my feet.

"PITA! PITA!" The voice yelled getting closer. But it wasn't Layla.

"Wha-" I was cut off by being knocked down.



"Pita it's me"


How did she fly she's not angle. But she is from hell. "How did you fly?" I finally decided to ask.

"Magic" she whispered mysteriously wiggling her fingers in my face.

"Raven!" I shouted.


"You came back!" I shouted wrapping my arms around her. My wings extended and embraced our hug.

"Oh.." She gasped running her small fingers across my feathers.

"Yes they grew since you've left" I gave her a smile.

"Their beautiful! I wish I had wings.." She stretched out one of my wings. As reflex I snatched away folding the single wing back.

"It's okay pita I know more about your wings than you do."

Letting out a sigh for the millionth time I extended my wings.

"Wow" sebas whispered. I could feel my face getting hot. Raven plucked of a feather. Pain shot through my wing sending it back. I grasped the sore spot as tears if pain welled up in my eyes.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled.

"It was going to fall off anyway" She giggled.

My mouth gaped in shock.

"Your so weird Raven " I muttered rubbing the sore spot.

"Here" sebas said as he reached into his pocket, he grabbed out a small bottle. "Let me" he offered opening the bottle and scooped up paste looking gel. With his free hand he took my wing steady and spread the gel on the sore area. I winced but soon felt relief.

"Better?" He asked.

"Ohhhhhhh" Raven said from in front of us. "You two.."

"Shut up" I snap.

"Yeah we just met" sebas said a little smoother than me.

"What? You two just met I've known both if you for ages!" Raven giggled.

I rolled my eyes.

"Have you seen Layla?" I asked

"Oh, no she left.. What a shame she didn't say goodbye to me" she answered giving a pouty face.

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