Chapter 1

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I woke up with my phone ringing. A smile spreaded on my face as I realized it was the very last day of school. Never have I ever wished for another day to come, since the frist day I walked those big blue doors.

I stood up to shut the alarm off and then walked to the bathroom to wash my face. School has been great, but I really missed summer. Summer was the best season! My favorite!

This year, me and my friends, Selena, Miley and Marissa, we're going to this cool looking camp near the beach. It had people from all around the world and it was in California.

It basically was a camp whose theme was music. We had to sing and hang around. Go to parties and to the beach. But since new people would go every year, we would meet eachother and then go all together. This was the first time I was going. Selena went a year ago and said she met a really cute guy, and that was one of the motives I wanted to go..

See... I have been single for a long time.. It wasn't my idea to go.. But Miley insisted of me going so I accepted.

I finish washing my teeth and then got dressed going down

- Goodmorning mom - I smiled sitting down for breakfast

- Hey sweetie! Last day huh? You excited?

- Been waiting for this moment simce forever! I can't believe summer is coming

She smiled at me leaning agaist the table, watching me eating with her own mug with tea.

I started eating my waffles and Madison came down saying goodmorning to us

- Mom, can I go out with my friends on monday? - she asked looking at her phone

- Hum.. I don't know Madison

- Please! We're going to the cinema! Just me, Bea and Aly

- I don't know Maddie! I have to take Demi to California on Monday. I can't leave you at the cinema. Ask dad or Dallas.. - my mom said now a little more irritated

I took the last bite of my breakfast and turmed to Madison - I think Dallas is going out too.. She told me she was and that that's why she wasn't going with me and mom.

Maddie rolled her eyes and started eating as I turned around to pick up my bag

Maddie's school was close to mime so I had to wait for her to finish. I sat on the couch playing with my phone, when I heard the chair move 20 minutes later


We got in the car and mom picked up her work bag and came to the car as well, after us being tfhere for 5 minutes.

She left me at school and I ran to my classroom since I was already late. I was so damn excited for the summer! I couldn't contain myself

The bell rang and I entered the room in the last minute, sparing myself from the lecture about being late

- Hi Dems! Remember that guy I talked about from last year? - Selena whispered

- Hey Sel, yes, what about him?

Sel smiled. She had a huge crush on a guy from last summer camp but he wasn't into her at all... From what she told me, he was a fuckboy.. He just wanted the pretty blonds and the ones easy to fuck.. Not someone I wanted to meet

- He's coming this year too! I found out he had a girlfriend and she posted thisninstagram picture of them. Look at the caption

Summer Paradise (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora