Chapter 14

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She fell onto me breaking in laughter and I grabbed her arms, pulling one of them over my head, I carried her tipsy self around the club to a less crowded area..

Everyone pushed and pulled at us while she slurred some words incoherently..

- Sit here, don't move - I told her while leaving her in a bench by the pool of the Camp

I walked away for about 10 minutes to get my keys since I left everything at the main entrance.. but when I came back, Demi was no longer there..

A wave of panic installed in my brain and I started to freak out.. I ran around shouting her name in pure desbelief

I freaking told her not to move!..

I called Marissa in pure panic..


This summer was a mess.. Demi and Nick were always on and off.. Selena literally kissed Nick and Miley was all over him as well..

My group of friends was just unbelievable...

I walked towards the bathroom o take a few breaths and heard the moaning behind me.. pretty normal at clubs

Taking out my phone, I see a notification

"Demi's Fuckboy called - 15min ago"

I frowned since he never ever contacted me and called him back..

He answered and I asked the nervous boy why was he calling me

- Marissa, Demi's missing! I don't know where she is or what's happening.. - he said making my heart stop - I left her in a bench and left for 10 fucking minutes to get my bedroom key here at the camp so she could sleep, and when I came back, she was fucking gone!! - he said in panic

I gulped and quickly started walking through the exit door and into the Camp - I'll meet you there..

I turned off my phone and started looking around in case of Demi being outside but had no luck..

I walked up to Nick who was walking from side to side looking down and scratching his head

- Nick! - I yelled

- It's all my fault! She's wasted.. She's not herself.. - He said with tears streaming down his cheeks - - I'm so fucking dumb! - he yelled turning around

- But.. do you think she left.. or was taken?.. - I asked and as soon as my words came outnof my mouth, he turned around with wide eyes..

- Oh my god.. please no.. - he said


I walked out of the dancefloor a little tipsy.. I was having so much fucking fun.. couldn't be having a better night

I looked around and laughed loudly seeing Delta on the side of the bar. She was making out with a guy hardcore.. I couldn't quite understand who he was but didn't gave a fuck.. from a far I see Demi and Nick talking. She started laughing loudly and stood up to fall on Nick's arms

They soon started walking out of the club, and I followed them..

They crossed the street and entered the Camp as I continued watching from far away.

- Sit here, don't move - he said walking towards the entrance

As he walked away, a man got closer to Demi and pucked her up taking her in the opposite direction

As soon as I saw who he was, I followed them...

Summer Paradise (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now