Chapter 15

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I woke up naked in my bed... everything was a blur and I had a huge need to vomit

Sitting up, I see Nick asleep on the floor with his hand in mine

What happened? Why am I naked?!

I rubbed my eyes and quickly went vomiting in the bathroom, rolled in the bed sheet

My sounds must've woken Nick up because a few minutes later he came rushing to me - Demi, are you ok? How are you feeling?

I kept vomiting as he grabbed my hair, patting my back

I finished and stood up as Nick grabbed me and hugged me

- What happened last night? - I asked feeling my head pounding

He took a deep breath and brought me back to the bed to lay me down. As soon as my head hit the pillow, the door opened furiously and Selena came inside

- Demi are you ok?! - she asked followed by Miley and Wilmer

- She is.. she just need resting.. I didn't told her what happened yet.. - Nick answered

Miley nodded and sat in Marissa's bed while Wilmer and Selena leaned on mine, all looking very concerned

- What happened? - I asked now feeling really worried..

They all drifted their looks away and Nick started

- You were.. almost raped - He told me


The fuck is he talking about?!

How did it get to that? How can I not remember?!?!

- What?! - I asked as my voice broke

He sat up straight and Marissa came inside with tears streaming down her cheeks

- Demi.. - she whispered and fell next to me in the bed - I'm so sorry.. this is all my fault, I could never live with myself if it had happened

I sat up straight and covered myself while petting Marissa's head - It wasn't your fault Marissa - I whispered as what happened hit me a little bit more

I was almost fucking raped.. while I was shitfaced drunk.. and I wasn't going to fight back..

Marissa sobbed and I asked out loud the question..

- Who was it?

Everyone looked down and Wilmer shook his head with a sarcastic smile.. I looked around in the silence.. Selena had her arms crossed and tears in her eyes.. she was next to Wilmer who were still against my bed..

Miley was looking straight at me with her hands under her legs and sitting next to her was Nick who looked pale and scared.. his gaze met mine and quickly was cut as he looked towards the floor

Not having an answer, I ask again with Marissa's head still in my lap

- Who did this? - I asked impatiently

Nick stood up and put his hands in his pockets - Demi...

He gathered his toughts and Marissa started crying harder mumbling "I can't believe he did this" over and over and over again

She lifted her head up and took a deep breath - It was Jim..

I opened my mouth in shock and shook my head quickly - No, no he couldn't! He's my friend!!

Nick shook his head..

Our holidays were ruined to say the least

I started panicking, not believing what they told me so Wilmer looked away since I started moving fastly scaring everyone and making the cobers fall down my torso

Nick quickly grabbed me and sat next to me in the bed holding my head

I started pouring my soul away as everything finally hit me hard.. Jim?!

Fucking Jim?

I told him so much! I told him things about my past, about my future...

I looked down seeing my naked body with a few tears rolling down my legs.. I had scratches in them and on my belly

Seeing something, I pull the covers away watching my hand shake


There was blood in my bed..

A few drops, not many..

Everyone held their breath and I felt myself get dizzy again..

Everything went black once again

Summer Paradise (Nick & Demi) (Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now