3rd November 1970

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Young Sirius Black is lying in his bed, dressed and staring at the ceiling, wondering why none of his family have come to say happy birthday. The curtains are drawn open to try let some light in but it's to no use. It's raining. Perfect weather for his birthday he thinks sarcastically. He is turning 11 today.  Finally he is old enough to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and would be receiving his letter today. It's a big day and all little Sirius wants is his parents to come barge into his room singing Happy Birthday,  his mum to give him a kiss on the cheek,  his dad a pat on the back and show him some love. He heard the doorknob creak and sits up quickly.

"Please be mum" he whispered. His face drops into a look of hurt and disappointment when all he sees is the small house elf - Kreacher.

"Master Black, mistress is asking you to come downstairs. She says she has something for young master." He croaked out and left the room. Slamming the door shut.
He quickly runs to the mirror to fix his messy black hair, not wanting his mother to scold him for looking untidy and runs out the door.

Regulus is walking down the corridor, heading in the sane direction as Sirius. He turns when he hears the older boys door slam. Nine year old Regulus  quickly runs to his brother side and pats him on the back.

"Happy Birfday Sthirius!" His lispy voice bouncing off the walls.
"Sowwy I didn't come say happy Birfday earlier. Was gonna but dad scolded me when he thaw me walking down the corridor. Sthaid I shan't be up so earlier. Made me go back to bed.     Bloody lousy if you asthk me." He rambled on.

"That's okay Regulus. At least you tried. Let's go have breakfast." Sirius patted his younger brother on the back and continued to breakfast.

When they walked into the cold, expensive looking dining hall he saw his father seated at the head of the table and his mother seated to the left. The table was full of food including eggs, bacon, sausages and hash Browns.
"Take a seat boys." His mother greated them with a smile. Sirius and Regulus sat patiently waiting for their father to begin eating. When he put down his book they all began to dig in. His father did not meet Sirius' eyes once.

"Happy birthday Sirius dear." His mother leaned to where he was sitting  and flattened his unruly hair.
"Orion." She coughed to draw his attention.

"Right. Happy birthday son. The big year. Sirius, you will be going to Hogwarts this year and I want you to know that being picked to join Slytherin will be make your mother and I so proud. You belong with the purebloods in Slytherin where our family has been placed for generations. Not it Gryffendor with all the mudbloods." Sirius had heard this speech a million times before and it made him worried because deep down he knew he didn't belong in Slytherin. He wanted to call out his father.  To argue with him that he shouldn't call them mud bloods, but he would get punished for speaking back so he stayed quiet. After that his father started a conversation with Regulus, treating Sirius as if he was not his father.

They continued eating breakfast for a while with no conversation.
"Sirius, your father and I bought you a gift. It should  be on your bed when you get back to your room. We are sure you will like it and put it to good use when you start school." His mother smiled but her eyes stayed dull, as if she had learned to hide her true emotions.

"Thank you Father. Thank you mother." Sirius said politely.

"You boys are excused. Your mother and I have things to discuss." His father nodded curtly before standing up and walking to his study. His mother following him close in pursuit, not before kissing Regulus on the cheek and flattening Sirius' hair.  The only kind of physical affection he ever got besides the few times his mother kissed him on the cheek or his father patted him on the back.

"Sirius thith is amazing! You are so lucky. I want a broom. Do you think I could borrow it sthometimes? Please Sirius, please!" Regulus and Sirius were both sitting on the olders bed staring at a shiny new broom stick.

"Hmm. Sometimes, and only if you  promise not to break it or hurt yourself." Sirius chuckled.

"I promise!" Regulus' whole face lit up.

"Okay then." The two boys stayed in his room pretty much the whole day playing wizard chess and eating Bertie Botts every flavoured beans and exploding Bonbons from Honeydukes Sirius had bought a while back. This was how The brothers spent their days as children before they grew apart.

"Orion, I'm worried. Sirius isn't the same as us, he isn't as.. pure as is. I'm scared he will be placed in a house that's not Slytherin." Sirius' mother said worridly while sitting on a stool next their grand piano.

"Nonsense Walberga. He may be different but he is still a Black. There hasn't been a Black not in Slytherin for centuries. He has purebred flowing through his veins, just like us, he belongs in Slytherin. Anyway I think he is wise enough to choose Slytherin if it comes to that. He's a fool and a disgrace if he chooses otherwise " Orion picked up his book again.

I'm not normal. (Sirius Black/A marauders fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now