1 September 1971

75 4 0


"Sirius, hurry up! We don't want to be late." His mother was striding quickly ahead of him, dragging him through King's Cross Station, his father following in close pursuit, keeping his sturdy posture even in the crowded area.

"Mum, why do we have to be here so early, the train doesn't leave till eleven." Sirius spoke loudly so that his mother could hear him over the chatter around them.

"We have to make a good impression on your first day Sirius. Everyone remembers first impressions, and we don't want them to think we are sluggish. We have a reputation to uphold. Honour the Black name." Sirius' dad answered. Walburga nodded in agreement with her husband.
"Yes, very right, and I want to chat with your aunt Druella anyway, you cousin Narcissa is in her 5th year this year. She is a wonderful girl, dating a 6th year boy called Lucius, he is a Malfoy you know. Wonderful family. Got their heads right, just like us. Don't fraternise with the mudblood filth . Get her to introduce you to the right sort of people Sirius." His mother said while slowing her walk down to a steady pace.

"The right sort... Mum, what's the wrong sort then?" Sirius' naive mind not grasping the concept. Why couldn't he be friends with everyone?

"The wrong sort, my dear is the mudbloods.. The muggle borns. Wizard scum Sirius. They are a disgrace to the wizarding community. " She sneered at the muggles around her.

"How are they different mother?"  His brows crinkled together into a line.

"You will see, just wait dear. At Hogwarts you will see how filthy they are." Sirius only nodded his head, not wanting to meet any of these mudbloods anytime soon.

Regulus was walking hurriedly beside his brother holding Sirius' owl cage, which contained a fluffy Barn Owl, which their father had had trained before giving the owl to Sirius a few days prior, while Sirius wobbly carried his trunk and broom with difficulty. Sirius had decided to name the owl Pea, which his parents had obviously disapproved of because that was not a suitable name for an owl, not in their eyes.

Platform 7.
Platform 8.
Platform 9. He counted in his head as they passed the platforms. Finally they reached the barrier between platform 9 and 10 they would have to run through.

There were people crowded all around them, many carrying cages with owls or cats or rats.  They must be wizards he thought.
When he looked to the platform he could see many people. He could tell they were wizards because although they had tried to dress like muggles to blend in they had failed miserably.

He saw as a woman held a young bespectacled boys hand and ran through the wall with him. He was obviously a first year too. Maybe they could become friends, but only if he wasn't filth. Finally it was their turn to go through the platform  to reach the Hogwarts Express. He longed for his mother to hold his hand and to bend down and explain exactly what to do to him but that would never happen.

"Off you go Sirius." His father said to him and pointed to the wall. Sirius could feel his hands getting sweaty around the handle of his trunk now.
On the count of three.
1.. 2.. 3.. Sirius ran with his eyes closed towards the barrier. Instead of the impact he had expected he was met with a cooling sensation all around his body. He opened his eyes and was met with the laughs and chatter of wizards of all ages, their hats pointing towards the sky and their long cloaks dusting the ground. He heard the squawks of owls coming from all directions. He felt a jolt of energy crash through him. He turned around and saw the rest of his family coming through the wall.

"Come on let's go meet your aunt." His father said to him and started walking off in the unknown direction and he followed without a word. He was excited to finally be getting away from his family -who detested him - for a whole year. They knew he was different.

"Druella, how good to see you again!" His mother kissed his aunt on the cheek.
"Same to you Walburga, and to you Orion" His aunt flashed a dull smile at his father. To the left of his aunt he could see his cousin, Narcissa standing there, her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders. There was a tall, well defined boy standing next to her, who he could only presume was Lucius.

"Goodmorning sir." Lucius nodded his head at Sirius' father.
"Hello, you,  young man must be Lucius. Delighted to finally meet you. How are your parents doing. " My father sounded much more interested then he had heard him in a while.

"Quite well thank you. Sorry you couldn't meet them here, they had to dash off to an urgent ministry meeting." Lucius smiled.

"No worries son. Hope everything goes well at the ministry. I've been asked to do a job by the minister of magic himself. We are old friends him and I. I know that him and your father are also rather close." Orions tone arrogant.

"Oh yes, they are old friends. Anyway I must be off, got to sort things out. I am a prefect so I have alot of jobs to get done. You going to join me Narcissa?" He looked down to Narcissa who was a short but pretty girl.
"Oh yes, of course!" Narcissa smiled. "Goodbye mother. See you next holidays." Narcissa kissed her mother on the cheek and was just about to leave when sirius' mum called her name.

"Oh Narcissa dear, would you be so kind as to introduce Sirius to some of the right people. Don't want him to end up with the wrong folk.." His mother smiled sincerely at his cousin.

"No problem aunt. I'll be happy to do so. Have just the people in mind." Narcissa game one last smile and left without another word, following Lucius.

"Okay Sirius let's got put your luggage on the train, it's almost time for you to leave." After putting the luggage in the compartment they had 5 minutes before the train left for Hogwarts.

" Okay Sirius, just remember to put your robes on before you get to Hogwarts Okay." His mother told him.

"Yes mum." He smiled.
His father placed a hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Make the Black name proud this year son. There has never been a Black not In Slytherin and I trust you will follow the rest of us. Remember who you are Sirius, a pureblood. Don't let the Mudbloods infect your brain with their ways Okay. Now go find a compartment with some slytherins in it to sit with." With the last pat on the back from his father, hug from his brother and hair flatten from his mom he left and stepped onto the train to go find somewhere to sit or to find Narcissa.

As he stepped on the train he saw his cousin standing at the entrance.
"Hello Sirius. There's a boy a few doors down the passage in a compartment to the left. He is a nice pureblood boy. You can go sit with him Okay. " She smiled and rubbed his back and he walked passed her.
"Okay thank you." He continued to walk down the passage looking into all the compartments to the left looking for one lonely boy. He had passed a few compartments before he reached one where he saw a boy siting alone. This must be him Sirius thought, but oh how he was wrong. The boy he was supposed to meet was a rude little boy just a few compartments down.

He opened the door.
" 'Scuse me. Do you mind if I sit with you?" Sirius asked politely.
"Oh not at all. I was scared I was going to be alone the whole train ride. Thank goodness you came along." The boy snickered. He had glasses and unruly hair that was even worse the Sirius'.
" I'm James. James Potter. Nice to meet you..." He trailed off
"Black, Sirius Black" He cut in.
"Oh, well nice to meet you Sirius. His smile was naughty just like Sirius' yet had a happier feeling to it then he was used to. After a while another boy with mousy brown coloured hair opened the door.
"Ello, could I possibly join You, everywhere else is full." The boy had a scar on his face.
"Ofcoarse! The more the merrier." Said James. So the boy joined them and Introduced himself as Remus Lupin.
"That's a cool name." Smiled Sirius.
"Haha. Thanx. " Remus blushed obviously not used to compliments. "What's yours?" He asked in return.
"Oh my names Sirius."
"No ways Sirius is way cooler then Remus." Remus smiled.
"No you guys are wrong. James is most definitely the best name ever!" James said and laughed. The boys all cackled. Later on another first year boy joined them. His name was Peter Pettigrew. He was plumper then the rest and had  lighter. They all clicked straight away and continued to eat Bertie Botts every flavoured Beans and chocolate frogs on the way to Hogwarts, Sirius completely forgetting about the wrong sort.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2017 ⏰

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