Wolfstar - Easter

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Remus woke up with a yawn, lifting his hand up to rub sleep out of his eyes. His eyes opened wide as a rich, sweet scent hit his nostrils. Today was the day. Remus' favourite day of the year, better than christmas, better than his birthday. Easter. 

Sitting up Remus noticed a chocolate frog at the bottom of his bed, grinning he got up and hastily pulled his clothes on. James and Peter will still asleep in the bed's next to him. He knew where Sirius was. Waiting at the end of the chocolate trail, like every year. He ate the chocolate frog before proceeding out of the dorm to pick up the next treat at the bottom of the staircase.

The trail led him out of the Gryffindor common room, down the many staircases and into the grounds. By the time he reached the end he was half way towards a very marvelous chocolate mustache. Looking up he noticed he was stood under a great oak tree on the outskirts of the forest, it was the tree he and Sirius used to Rendezvous at when they were keeping their relationship a secret from the other marauders. 

The tree itself was very distinctive with large roots twisting in and out of one another, it also had a big black hollow half way up its aging trunk. They didn't go there very often anymore as they no longer saw the need to hide their relationship. "Padfoot?" Remus called into the semi darkness  of the forest.

"Over here!" Responded Sirius a little way in. Remus followed his voice and found him in a small clearing sitting on a picnic blanket surrounded by a whole plethora of chocolate based deserts and treats. Remus smiled and took his seat next to his ever loving boyfriend. "Happy Easter" Padfoot told him with a smirk, pressing a kiss to the top of Remus' head. "Dig in"

Remus didn't need telling twice, within the hour the food was almost all finished and Remus was sat cuddled into Sirius. "Happy Easter Pads" He sighed contently. "I love you"

"I love you too Moony, so much so that when you throw up from eating so much chocolate I'm going to let you clean it all up"

"Oh gee thanks wonderful boyfriend" 

"I know" Sirius said with a smirk. He then pressed his lips tenderly against Remus'. He knew full well that it would be him to clean up Remus' mess once he finally did throw up, but that was ok. After all he was the one to give Remus all the chocolate, he had to be prepared for the consequences.


Short but sweet (Hee hee see what I did there?) this is the last one of the three shots I promised. It took me longer to write this one, not sure why. I just couldn't be bothered.

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Dance Water Dance
~Sam xoxo  

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