chapter 8

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While Jack was having a shower I took an outfit out (above) and took out matching shoes, I was chilling on my bed on my phone when jack came out with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"like what you see" he smirked

I swear that smirk turns me on.

"you wish" I replied still looking at his abs.

I put my phone on charge and went into the shower I undresses and got in I shaved, washed my hair then my body, I got out and started to get ready I did my hair in beach waves I did my make up. Jack told me that I will be meeting his sisters molly and Laura and I was really nervous of what they would think of me. I got my red purse and me and jack drove to my parents. the car drive was really quite.

"jack," I said

"yeah" he asked

"I am nervous"


"to meet your sisters, what if they don't like me."

" they will love you don't worry your perfect you do not need to be nervous"

as he said that we got to my parents house we parked and knocked on the door. my mom answered the door.

"hey sweetie." she said while hugging me.

"hi mom."

"hi Mrs Jackson" jack said

"oh jack I told you to call me amber."

we both walked inside and into the garden, and I saw his parents we hugged them. jack took me to his sisters.

"molly, Laura this is fiancé Amilia but don't call her that call her Lee or Leah. Leah this is Molly and Laura my older sisters" jack introduced us

"hi nice to meet you two."

"you to" they replied

we got on well we exchanged numbers and talked about stuff jack was with my brother Jake they were probably talking about sports. my mom called us and told us it was time to eat so we went and got our food. we chilled for an hour a I went upstairs to my old room to get some of my things. I was looking through old pictures of me, Makaila and Dylan and I was crying when jack came in.

"hey whats up," he asked

"nothing just looking at old pictures."

he came and sat next to me.

"hey why are you crying." he said as he lifted my chin

"I miss them they aren't even answering my calls and I haven't seen them since I moved and that was 2 months ago."

"it is okay don't worry" he said

he wiped my tears and kissed my lips I kissed back I feel sparks every time we kiss and every kiss it feels like our first kiss. we pulled apart

"I love you Jack."

"I love you too Leah"

"Jack, you can call me Amilia."

he took my hand and we walked downstairs. everyone was gone so I told my mom that I was going to go and I was gonna come back next week to pick up my car.

"no sweetie it is okay me or your dad will drop it off."

"okay bye mom love ya." I hugged her and we both left.

we got into jacks car it was now 12 am and he drove.

"did I tell how how pretty actually sexy you looked today." jack said

"oh so I don't look sexy normally." I played with him

"no I mean you look extra sexy if you get what I mean." he smirked

"yeah and stop smirking I don't like it."

"why?" he asked

"because it turns me on."

he looked at me and smirked I hit is arm and I felt sleepy so I went to sleep.


I looked at her and she was asleep once we got home I carried her into the house I changed her into one of my shirts I got myself changed and fell asleep next to the love of my life.

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