I never really mattered

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It was another day, but the same old day. Getting up, school, tackle some mysterious supernatural creature, sleep. Wasn't very exciting. Lydia's conversation with Stiles last night playing in her head over and over again. She couldn't forget how worthless he made her feel. Like she didn't matter. But she did, she did matter, she had to keep reminding herself of that.

She walked around the boring school, until she lays eyes on her locker. As usual, she picks her chemistry book up as she had it next. She closes her locker shut and jumps.
"What the actual hell Stiles!" She shouts, breathing loudly trying to calm herself.
"Oh sorry didn't mean to scare you" he said with a laugh. She replies with a quick eye roll. He scratches his neck to show his unease. Lydia could sense the tension, it was beginning to feel very awkward.
"So" she coughs clearing her throat.
"Anything you want or?" She says kind of impatiently.
Stiles looks up at her with his big brown eyes, she can feel her heart beat quicken. She stares at him for a while, waiting for an answer. When she doesn't get one, she gives a slight cough. Lydia clicks her fingers in front of Stiles face.
"Earth to Stiles?" She questions annoyed.
"Yes? Sorry umm, where were we?" He says embarrassed.
Lydia, who at this point was very pissed off shrugs he shoulders and huffs.
"It doesn't matter". She quickly turns away from the tall boy, her heels clicking on the floor as she walked.
"Wait-" Stiles grabs her hand turning her to face him.
"What!" She says harshly.
"I'm sorry for last night" Stiles chokes out, looking down at his grip on her forearm. Lydia follows his gaze down to their hands . Still annoyed she removes her hand from his grasp.
"Yeah, me too" she spits as she shakes him off her, flipping her hair behind her shoulder, leaving Stiles at her locker. She dips her head down, hoping nobody notices the tears that are threatening to fall from her eyes. She hurries into the janitors closet, closing the door behind her. Her heart feels like it has just stopped, stopped working, stopped beating. As the flow of sadness hits her, more and more tears spill on to her cheeks, a sob escapes her lips as she slowly falls down the door until, she's resting on the floor. But little did she know, that stiles was doing to exact same thing on the other side. His heart aching as he hears her pained sobs, knowing that he had caused this hurts him in so many ways. One lonely tear falls down Stiles face, he looks down the empty halls , wondering why he can't disappear. All he seems to do is cause pain, pain to people he loves.

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