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I see her across the hall, putting on a brave face but deep down inside I know she's really hurting. I look across and see Lydia talking to Kira. She's smiling but I can see the pain inside her eyes, the hurt that I caused.
"Stiles what are you looking at?" Maila huffed
"Lydia.." I say stuck in my own thoughts.
Then I realised what I had said
"Why are you looking at her?" She scoffs
"I.. I was just wondering if she had done her chemistry homework. Wait I'll ask her" I said very uncomfortably.

I quickly walk over to Lydia's side.
"Hey" I say quietly
"Yes?" She says looking at me slightly worried
"Have you done Chem lab homework?" I said nervously
"We didn't have any?" She said loudly
"Shhh!" I exclaimed
"Ok???" She walked away
I can't let her walk away again.
"Lydia!" I shout as I catch up with her
"Yes?" She questions looking confused
"Can I please talk to you in private?"
She looks into my eyes, she nods in reply.
"Meet me in my jeep at lunch" I tell her, I quickly touch her hand and walk down the corridor.

What does he want to talk about? My head is spinning with ideas and worry. I sit in Biology anxiously waiting for the buzzer. My pen twitches in my hand when the clock strikes 1. I powerfully get up out of my seat and rush out side. I scan the parking lot of his jeep, I see its scruffy exterior parked on the street, and inside I can see a sweet boy who broke my heart. I can feel a wave of sadness come over me as I walk to him.

I get in the jeep my head remaining down, at first it's just painful silence. I can see him looking at me through the corner of my eye, I sharply turn my head to look at him.
"You wanted to talk?" I asked him curiously
There were a few moments of silence again.
" yeah.." He breathes out
I wait for him to talk.
"I'm sorry" he sighs looking at me his eyes filled with regret.
"I know" I say head looking down again
He picks my chin up, and wipes away a stray tear that has fallen on to my cheek.
I move uncomfortably, leaving his hand with out a purpose.
"You're not allowed to do that" I whisper.
"Do what?" He asks
"That" I say pointing to his hand.
I look up and he's looking at me with his eyes melting and a little smile.
"You're not allowed to look at me like that either" I sigh.
"I think I should go" I tell him, fumbling around for the door handle.
"I was an idiot" he says. I turn around to face him, urging him to continue.
"I shouldn't have blocked you out, i never wanted to hurt you and now I have. And I will understand if you never want to talk to me again, or you hate me for the rest of your life. But I couldn't have you not knowing that I'm deeply sorry" he states tears falling down his face.
I stare at him, I don't know what to say. I finally find the courage to mumble.
"I could never hate you"
That's all I manage to say with out breaking into sobs, so I get out of the jeep and walk home. Sobs overwhelming me, I look back to see his fists on the wheel, tears running down his face.

We break each other

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