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Dick's pov

I always had this connection with the lake like a way to get away from Gotham, I never really told anyone about the lake except jason of course, but he's different now. He's not the little brother that loved he's red hood the man that can kill without thinking twice about it, and sells drugs, and tried to kill Bruce. I just can't look at him the same. God I wish I could

Jason's pov

I don't think that he ever really knew that I would watch him, the lake was a safe haven for both of us and it was where I was going to make a move but I had a unpleasant meeting with a crowbar before I could. I just wish he would give me a chance deep inside I'm still his little Jaybird. I mean right after I got out of the lazarus pit and collected my self I went to the lake, it was safe.

I was always carful when watching dick it would be impossible to sneak up on him if he didn't let his guard down when looking into the water, he always had so much hope in his eyes, it reminded me of when we would always look at me like but that's gone now he won't talk to me anymore that's a non starter. I just wish it could be the same.

I know that he hates me now, before i died we had just started to "be a thing" we never really did much though, bruce, being a detective and all, would figure us out all to fast. so everything we did we did at the lake. It became a safe haven for us. When i came back i tried to talk to talk to him but he never lessened to what i was saying , but i never give up,sadly as of now i'm M.I.A. and can't talk to him, the drug cartel is getting harder and harder to control, with dick and bruce taking out all of my workers. They think making money of of sad old guys that want to forget about their problems is 'immoral". it's not my fault that so many people in gotham need to medicate, i just like to make money.

Dick's POV

As of right now Jason was  M.I.A, me and Bruce were finally targeting the drug cartel, i don't care much for stoping people from "medicating" as Jason would say, I'm just happy that i would get to confront him. I don't like the fact that the only way i can talk to him is if it's for work, but Bruce's orders.

Bruce found out about the lake, i don't seem to have any place to go anymore. i remember when me and Jay Bird would go out and hold hands and make out on the dock,being teens and such, it was the only place we ever had. it was "our thing". Bruce made sure that we never did anything like "normal teens", we had no time for relationships, or fun, i was ok with but Jay never was he would sneak out all the time with his "friends",i always knew when he wasn't home, i think Bruce did to but at that point he had gavin up on disciplining Jason. He knew that Jason wouldn't listen.

hey everyone (A.K.A. the imaginary people that read this shit) sorry it's so crappy, i have a hard time writing this cause it's based off of me and my ex, she was actually the reason that i'm writing this, she said that she liked it and i should go on, so here we are hope you like it.

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