Part 3

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The figure started to run, they knew it was us, no one would run if they didn't know we were chasing them. I jumped out of the car,starting to sprint towards the street he was standing at.

"Nightwing!." Bruce glared, "what the hell are you doing."   

" go on without me, i"ll catch up." 

Bruce didn't say anything he just drove off, i took that as a ok.

I didn't wast a second, i moved as fast as i could scaling up building casing the fast figure. He was good, almost to good, well for an average criminal,  he was fast and agile. 

Quickly trying to get him  i threw a wire around his legs, when i did so, he jumped off of the building, and ... he just ...cut it. bruce and I know damn that no knife could cut that wire, well some could but only me, Bruce,Jason, and Barbra have one. And well i'm right here bruce is in the car , and hell Barbra can't even walk i doubt she can run like this. So that leaves..... holy shit! 

"JASON" i chased "JASON IT'S JUST ME ."

He keep running, running away from me. I thought that he would turn around, that he would stop and hug me. we would wispier about Bruce and we would go to the lake. That damned lake. But he ran still. I couldn't let my feelings get in the way of the mission, but i felt my  heart brake just a little bit in that second.

I called Bruce, no longer feeling any sort of sympathy or hope for Jason,  I know that the batman would be able to catch him, me on the other hand.  I couldn't.

Bruce easily found us ad started running next to me. He pulled ahead catching  up to Jason, I fell back knowing that he could do it by himself. I watched as he jumped off of the GCP's office. falling down after Jason, i fallowed into the ally that they had both jumped into. Bruce was the only one there. But Jason had left a leather jacket, with a red demented bat symbol on it. Bruce handed it to me as he walked out of the ally, it had "Dicky Bird" written on it in a sloppy scrawl that i couldn't forget. IT was the same nickname and hand writing that he had used in a letter he wrote the day before he was lost. 

From then on i knew that i would be seeing him again, sooner than i thought.


Hey guys, thanks for getting this story to 699, views like thats amazing anyway school just got out so i have never bee more happy and i can hopefully update more, thanks love you guys.   

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