Chapter 1

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"I can't I can't see!" A huge cry called as two young Fierce Dogs watched a black and white dog get killed by one of the other Fierce Dogs.
"Hm, what do you think? Enough injuries for that dog? Finishing bite?" The first Fierce Dog asked. The second Fierce Dog smiled.
"A fast death would be to kind," The second Fierce Dog said, "we should let it suffer. It can't see, it will get taken by surprise." The first Fierce Dog nodded her head. "Yes, Alpha," the first dog said.
The second Fierce Dog who happened to be the Alpha, jumped off the ledge of the trash can and padded toward the dying dog. "Ready to have more pain?" He asked. There was no answer the dog could control the Alpha.
"NO!" The injured dog barked as he tried to lift his head and open his bleeding eyes but his head fell back. "Just finish me off! Finish me off!"
The Fierce Dog Alpha never heard such a bark from a dying dog. There is too much pain for him! Good, He thought, smiling. He walked up to the dying dog, bared his teeth in a growl and bit the dying dog's neck. Hard. With a. Howl of pain, the dog died.
"And that's how we do the killing!" The Alpha barked. "Fierce Dogs, retreat to camp!" The Fierce Dog Pack followed the Alpha dog towards the camp made of an abandoned food house.

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