Chapter Eight: It Takes Two

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I laid in bed staring at the ceiling contemplating if I wanted to go to class today. I looked over to Lauren who was fast asleep with a smile on her face, I played with her hair a little bit before brushing it out of her face.

I sat staring at her smiling remembering our night last night. Fuck! I ran into the kitchen and sat down before my laptop re-reading my paper and in the end I bullshitted the fuck out of it.

I went into the bathroom and got ready and threw on some jeans, a black crop top and a red jacket, because it was a chilly day which was odd for Southern California, I sent Lauren a text since she was still asleep to let her I had left for class but would be home at my usual time.

New Message (10:15am): Hey buttface, I'm super late to class but I'll be home at 3. Love you xoxo


"And in conclusion class your paper will be due tonight no later than midnight" my professor said practically yelling thru the end of class commotion.

I had made my last class of the day in the knick of time, if you're late to Professor Fishers English class you might as well go home. I felt my phone buzz in my bag and I glanced at the message:

Babeee: Hey fuckfart :) I won't be home until 11, a few classmates are going to the museum and then get food after. I love you butthead!

New Message: :( noooo you suck! But okay I love you too!

I was so glad Lauren was having fun with her new friends, because since high school all she's had was me, but I missed her and I wanted to spend time with her again tonight. I began packing my things when I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey cutie!" I whipped around and rolled my eyes at the sight of Dinah Jane and continued with what I was doing. "Come on, we haven't talked since the carnival—

"You mean the day that you touched my ass and almost ruined my relationship?" I said still trying to pay her no mind.

"Mani, okay I'm sorry" she said sitting down beside me, "Let me make it up to you, cause I know you don't have plans on this Friday evening" she said gesturing to my phone and smirking.

"Fuck off!" I said finally grabbing my backpack and getting up to head out the door. "You're a creep, I have a girlfriend and maybe you should get one and leave us be!" I said heading out the door.

I felt her grab my arm and lightly push me against the wall, "I just want one date with you, one date, shit let me just take you out to lunch, two friends that's it I know you're hungry".

I know I should've pushed her off me and ran to my bus, but I thought to myself Let me finesse this free food, and never talk to this hoe again. "Fine." I said "I get to pick the place" I said dominantly. "Yes ma'am" she said sticking her hands up and following behind me "Oh um my car is...oh yeah you know it."

Lauren POV

"Did you bring the almonds? I told you I love almonds" Lucy said excitedly as we walked into the movie theater.

She was taking me to see a French film, they I was super excited to see.

I know I lied to Mani, but I had been with her all day yesterday and I wanted to spend a littletime with Lucy which turned out to be the whole day.

"Yes, dumb butt, I bought your stupid almonds" I said smirking holding them up but being careful that the attendant didn't see.

"HEY! Don't call me that loser" she said flicking my arm.

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