Chapter 1 : The Haunting Past

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Anastasia P.O.V

The pain of loss became unbearable. It never went away. It tore through me silently. It broke every defense I had. It eventually became a part of me, and it was a part that I didn't want to live with. Thinking back to the day that I lost him always made the void grow bigger in my heart. It became too much for me to handle so I just shoved all of the memories of him in a dark room in my head. The pain went away but the void was still in my heart. It was hard for me to get motivated. I was slacking in school and I just stopped caring.

As I laid in my bed and stared at the blank ceiling. The thoughts of him ran through my head. I would never hold him again... I would never get to hear him tell me he loved me.... I missed him so much. I closed my eyes as soon as felt a lonely tear roll down my face. Wiping it away, I got out of bed and put on my joggers and a shirt. I threw my hair into a messy bun, put on my converse then I ran downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen making her lunch for work. " Bye mom." I said before grabbing the car keys and walking outside. I got in the car and started it. I took a deep breath and said " it is only 8 hours of hell, I will be ok." Then I pulled out of the driveway and started in the direction of the worst day ever.

I pulled into the full parking lot and found a spot in the back of the school near the baseball field. I walked into school and hung my head down. Unfortunately it still didn't help with the catcalling. One after another. The jocks being as usual assholes. I quickly walked to my first class and sat to the back of the class. If there was anything I hated more than school it was math. Everything about it was horrible. After an hour of math lecture the bell rang and it was time for next class. The next couple of hours went by fast and then it was time for lunch. I bought a sandwich from the cafeteria and went outside to eat. I sat there reading my favorite book for the tenth time when i saw out of the corner of my eye a pair of perfectly polished Louis Vuitton's. UHHHHH. I looked up to see the one only mean girl, Rebekah, and her two minions, Morgan, and Aubrey. Why did they have to ruin my day. "What do you want?" I said in a really monotonous tone.

    " I wanted to compliment you on your amazing fashion choice. It's quite unique." She said in a really bitchy tone.

    "Gee thanks. At least I dress for comfort and not for boys." Her face lit up with anger and before knew it I was drenched in soda water. The girls laughed and walked away. I was so mad. My book had been ruined and my clothes were ruined. Wow could this day get any better?

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