Chapter 3

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Anastasia POV

"That was mine!" Chastity yelled in anger.

"It's fair game if you put it back in the bag." Alice said before sticking another spicy pork rind into her mouth

"You wanna fight me Alice?" Chastity throwing her fists up into a playful stance. All I could do was smile at this. They always managed to make me smile. Then they started horse playing and all I could do was laugh. It was like watching two chickens fight. Sometimes they made me look like the mature one which was never really the case. I finally had enough

"Okay!" They jumped away from each other startled "Chastity you can pick the movie. But remember we have school tomorrow so it cant be too long." She gave me a wide grin and dived onto the couch somehow managing to grab the remote.

"Please don't pick a scary movie." Alice said a little worried. Chastity's grin grew with mischievousness.

"I make no promises." Alice frowned at her response and pulled out her phone.

My phone lit up and i saw that it was a text from Alice

Alice: How are you? I smiled and quickly responded.

Me: I'm fine

Alice: don't lie to me

Me: I'm not lying

Alice: I am your best friend and I know when I am being lied to

Me: I am functioning aren't I?

Alice: You know that is not what I meant

Me: I don't really want to talk about it right now. Alice looked at me a shook her head.

Alice: Ok but we do have to talk about it. I nodded before turning my phone off. I started to focus on the movie but I was to focused on what Alice asked me. How was I? I was in pain but it was a dull pain that you didn't feel. You just knew the pain was there. I didn't know who I was anymore. I didn't even know who my best friends saw when they looked at me. I wondered if they saw the girl who had everything or the girl who was broken because her dad died. I wondered if I really still loved them the way I did before. I sat on the couch next to Alice and Chastity yet I was alone. I didn't want to talk about it. I didn't even want to think about it. But my mom, Alice, and Chastity always tried to force it out of me which only made me want to bury it deeper. All the thoughts made me feel sleepy and before I knew it I was claimed by darkness and sleep.


"Shit! CHASTITY! We are gonna be late for school." I yelled realizing I was going to be late. She flew off the couch taking Alice with her.

"Chastity just because I don't have school and you do doesn't mean you have the right to wake me up this god damn early!" Alice said full of irritation. Chastity ignored her and quickly ran to my room and changed her clothes. I ran to the car and waited for Chastity to hurry out. When she finally opened the passenger door I was already backing out. She got in and we sped off to school. The personal hell I couldn't escape. I pulled into the parking lot and searched for a parking spot. I parked and ran straight to my first period class. I was so focussed on not being late that I collided with something really hard

"Holy crap that fucking hurt!" I said in pain. I guess it was pretty loud too considering the teacher walking by who said "language" in a demanding tone. I tried to get up before I could get to my feet I fell down again due to my lack of balance.

"Wow you sure did hit me pretty hard." A deep masculine voice said. I looked up trying to focus in on his face but all i could see were his bright blue eyes. He reached out to help me up. I grabbed his hand and once again tried to get up. This time I managed to get on my feet. "Are you okay?" The masculine voice said. 

"No I'm not ok! I just ran into a dude whose chest is like a brick wall. I cant even see straight." He smirked

"I knew I affected women but I didn't know I affected them that much." I grunted in frustration. I got up and pushed past him not even bothering to say thank you. I was already late for my first class and i was a little irritated.

I made it to my first period in one piece. "Ms. Lockhart I let your tardiness slide the first couple of weeks of school but I can no longer excuse them." This is why I hated school and just people in general they were just complete dicks. I rolled my eyes and went to sit down.

After my morning classes I went to lunch. I went to my usual spot under my tree and began to read. Chastity being the friend she was interrupted me and pretty much shoved a sandwich down my throat because I didn't want to eat. "Chastity stop!" I said " I just am not hungry." She sighed and silently mocked me before giving up.

"So did you make it on time?" She asked. I shook my head. "Good neither did I. Anyway got any plans after school?" 

"Yeah I'm going to go home and wallow in my self pity."

"The hell you are! You are coming with me."

"Where are we going."

"I don't want to sound cliche but that is for me to know and for you to find out." I loved her but sometimes I almost hated her. It just depended on the day you asked me

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