[Fariy Tail] Wendy x Reader

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Requested by: otakufan1987

You joined are a Fire Wizard, looking for a guild to join when man with saw a pink haired walking with a flying cat.

Seems normal....

He started to ex-hauled fire from his mouth," Come on happy this bounty granps sent us on will take forever!" You took cover in a near by shrub.

Are they after me? All I did was destroy a guild...... ya I think the bounty on me....

The man told still,"Happy someone is here I can smell them.."

SHIT SHIT SHIT, I can't fight right now. I'm hungry!!

At that moment your stomach growled..


"Nastu you are hungry! LET GO GET FISH!!!!" The blue cat who I think is Happy said.

"YA Maybe we will see Gildarts!" Nastu said in response. They both ran off. You slowly got out from the shrub,"Okay, that was close." You turned around to see a girl with red hair and a guy without a shirt staring at you.

"H-Hi...." You spoke up, but no reply no one talked.

"I think he's the bounty guy Erza." The shirtless guy spoke up, the girl with red hair looked determined.

"Alright then, I WILL SHOW NO MERCY!!" The woman who you think is called Erza said. You slowly took a step back. Someone grabbed your shoulder, you slowly turn your head to see Nastu there,"There you are." You slowly turned your head back to Erza, she had a sword your head.


You closed your eyes, "What do you guys want from me?" They all stopped,"What did I do wrong? Murder? It was the only way I would save my family....but I failed that too. So I'm on the run, why does everybody put a bounty on my head?"

"SHUT UP" Nastu slammed his fire fist into your face. You didn't move at all, not even your head moved from his force. "What the.." You lifted you hand,"I'm sorry" Using your fire you pushed him back. Erza swung at you, you ducked and kicked her away while the shirtless man froze your leg. You melted it. Your stomach growled. You grabbed it.

I have to go!

You started running into more of the forest, but the shirtless man and Nastu were hot on your tail.

"Gray, Boost me!" As the shirtless man now know as Gray gave Nastu a boost. You turned around dodging Nastu and passing Gray. "Aw, crap he's getting away!" You looked back to see them tuning but loosing pace. Suddenly you blacked out from a sword to the face.

"Ezra!! That was too much!!" The voice sounded young. Almost your age. (You are under 17, I need no 18 X 13/14 year old here.)

"Master said he isn't to be taken lightly."

"Ow my head...." You held your head and opened your eyes. You were in a building,"Where am I?" You sat up. Nastu, Erza, Gray, and a girl around your age were in front of you. You saw you had a weight on your legs.

"Gramps will be here shortly to deal with you. For now," Nastu slammed his fist together," we'll be watching you.

"Great...." You muttered.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ILL BEAT YOU TO A PULP!!" Gray held back Nastu from attacking you.

"Hitting someone who is stuck still? Seems unfair." Erza put a sword to your throat.

"Keep quiet." You nodded and slumped back in your seat. A old man came down.

"I assume you are (Y/n)? Of the Dark Bent Guild?" He sat on a barrel looking at you. Ezra put her sword down,"I'm (Y/n) and I was apart of the Dark Bent Guild. Till we disbanded." The old man nodded," I see what happened?"

"I joined to become a stronger wizard, but they started attacking people. When I threatened  to leave they said they take my families lives. So I planned to make a break for it with them, till word got out and the killed them all. I lost it and I..... Made the Guild disband. Now Guilds put bounties on my head. That's how I'm here."

"Seems you don't understand why, They want you to join there guild."

"Wh- Why!? I killed so many!" You looked at the old man.

"When you lost the ones you loved, you grew stronger but still missed your family. Here at Fairy Tail we are all family. And we protect one another. We can be your new family if you open up to us." The old man smiled away.

"I can't fail my family again..." The other girl in the room hugged you.

"I know what's it like to be alone. It's okay." You felt tears starting forming.

"Wendy being close to him like that is bad, he has his hands still." Erza said, holding her sword to your hands. You hugged this Wendy person. After awhile, you broke the hug.

"I'll join you old man.." The old man smiled.

"Let's get him cleaned up." Nastu undid your chain. "(Y/n), Wendy will show you around."

Time skip... 3 Months later

After joining Fairy Tail, you became close with Wendy and Today was the day you and her would come back after a job. On the way to the Guild, Wendy spoke up.

"That was fun!" She had a smiling face.
"Ya it was, One of the most peaceful jobs. Why couldn't Karla come?" When you asked his her face turned red.

"Um, I t-told her to stay." Wendy avoided I contact.

"Why would you do that? Isn't she like your cat mom?" You chuckled.

"Ya, but I didn't want her here for this..." You looked toward Wendy, to be suddenly kiss. You kissed back. You both slowly broke the kiss," Does this mean, w-we are...."

You smiled," Yes it does." You kissed her again. You both walked back to the guild hall holding hands. Karla wasn't to pleased about this. Nastu and Gray teased you about it, till you shot fire at both of them. After that the guild broke into a fight club. Once again...... You however didn't continue fighting you just started kissing Wendy...THE END..... For now.......

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