Author-Chan's birthday party

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Yessssss!!!!! its my birthday its my birthday lets go going

Mira prov

Ok streamers check balloons check food in the freezer along with the cake check drinks check everyone check ok we r done

Mira:ok every one we r done so if u want to buy her a present or something he now or go home Erza u want to get her

Erza:tomorrow morning ok


Ok I know what to get her for her *sets up a photo shoot*she does ship every one like me so for shur she wants pictures of them all

Lucy prov

What to get her what to get her

Levi:so this what a free city looks like

Eren:amazing *sees a food stand and a milkshake is being served *what is that

Armin:what is a *looks threw his book*a milkshake supposedly it taste good

Lucy:here I do ow ya go and if there's extra u can get author-Chan a birthday present

All 4:ok

Natsu:so what r we getting her

Happy:fish!!! Every one loves fish

Lucy:well know I know what to get u for your birthday

Natsu:she likes anime we can get her a manga book

Lucy:grate idea just where do they-oh look a anime store

Natsu:what anime dose she like

Lucy:*already reading some* I think she should like this one

Natsu:what's that


Lucy:its about a good and a girl who is half dead I think and-

Author-Chan:hey guys what r u doing here

All 3:AAA author-Chan!!!

Author-Chan:hi wired to see u here but u know me I like weird *notes the noragami manga Lucy is holding *no way r u in to noragami to omg!!! Noragami is so awesome its about a god named yato and a girl named hiyori who can see them and has the ability to go out of her soul and become half dead and a regalia named yukine he can turn in to swords!! And and oh wait few I was about to tell u spoilers

Lucy:wait so u have read this manga

Author-Chan:ya well I have to go bye

All 3:bye *she leaves*

Natsu:well she already read that

Happy:but she likes wired so lets get her

Natsu:how about this one it's"boko no piku*

Lucy:Nooooooo!!! To wired I have read that one and I almost died good thing we where with Wendy and nearby a hospital

Natsu:oh ok then that one is out

Happy:how about this one it says "free"

Lucy:lets see *scans the book*I have seen the anime and this is the one r the once that r still manga this is perfect!!!!

Natsu:grate now lets get out and go home

*the next day*

Erza prov

Ok I better text Mira that I'm on my way to her house


Erza:hey Mira on my way to her house


Ok now that that is done *knocks on her door*

Author-Chan:yello-oh hi erza-san what brings u here

Erza:oh nothing just wanted to come by see how ya doing

Author-Chan:oh well would u like to come in but if u don't mind I'm going to my room to change

Erza:ok no not at all *enters*

*five min later*

Ok this is quite-

Author-Chan:I'm back sorry I took to long

Erza:no u didn't

Author-Chan:lets go to the gild then



Erza:on my way to the gild with author-Chan

Mira:k will tell every one

Mira prov

Mira:every one there coming hide

All:*hide very good (exenterating)*

Author-Chan prov

Aww man already my birthday and no one remembers and im lonely guess I have to do the same thing like I did at school before I became a gild member

Author-Chan:Erza u know today is a very special day for me today

Erza:oh really what is it

Author-Chan:it my birthday I have bin waiting this the houl year and now I'm 12!!!

Erza:aww happy birthday *hugs her*I'm sorry I forgot about it

Author-Chan:its no big deal but hopefully its different this Year

Erza:what do u mean

Author-Chan:well every one keeps on forgetting about me I'm like and invisible person sometimes once before my parents were alive they even forgot about who I was but I get them they worked really hard I would even forget who my kids where if I work almost 24/7 this part is fake except the invisible part but with my friends

Erza:*feeling sad*well here we r

I open the door but before I could see what's new today Erza covered my eyes

Erza:u do not want to look author-Chan

Author-Chan:then y r we going in

Erza:because... *lets me see*


Author-Chan:*crys*this is the best day of my life

All:aww *hug's me*


All:*sing the song*blow it blow it

I wish season 3 of noragami to come out now *blows it*

All:yay!!!! *take out all the hard parts like the candles*ok now take the bight


Erza:don't worry I got ya

Author-Chan:ok *about to take the bite but Natsu pushes my face in it*god dam it NATSU!!!!

Natsu:got to catch me first *runs away I chaise him

*every one party hard and got drunk again I got the words best imaginary presents and we all got to sleep at the gild*

Minnie prank

Hehe I'm sneaky *puts Natsu's arm over to Lucy's chest making it look like if he is groping it and takes a picture

Makes grey and Juvia hug and take a picture

End of chapter

Ya so its the middle of the night now so its not my b-day any more but it was a pretty fun day especially that prank but that was only part I will tell the rest tomorrow or today since its the middle of the night so ba-bye

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