Oh come on!!!

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Me fingers started moving to here meanwhile I was listening to k-pop I got mad ,actually bit them...hurts....a lot...and well know that I'm here let's fights some zombies like lee!!!*was playing the walking dead game*

Levy prov
Takashi:ok *put his finger together* let me put this straight u guys *points to the survey corps* r from a place where there r these huge things that look like people called "Titans" who r eat people and u build a wall to protect u from them and u people who beyond the wall to kill them to bring them to extinction so u can be free
Rei:and u r people from a place where u can use "magic"to save your selves and fight and go on mission from a gild....why would u hag out at a bar to get waisted! Well if your trying to get wasted to forget about your sins or something deal with u can't change the past
saeko:*nods* the past is the past (so let it go let it go!!!!!sory for my bad singing and for that had to do it XD)
Jellal:sins *^* *gets hit by erza*
Erza:bad for u
Jellal:*holding his head*sorry
Lucy:the gild isn't tentacle a bar we do many stuff in their like eat do missions *gets awkward* fight...fight....fight and sometimes sleep *smiles awkwardly*
Saya: any way you people r also Titans *points to Annie and eren*and one day I went out and encountered the what colossal Titan so you to try to protect them and transform but The energy was too much for that land so you teleported to their world and you met them they helped you and she *points to levy* along with her *points to hanji* made a  teleporting machine and the energy you gave was way too much for the machine and made all of you people still report here and Not to your destination

My god I never knew this explaining would take so long
Saya:ok so far all I'm saying is the f**k is all of this b*****t this is all a lie
Natsu:V¢FL.ê ã<òÝ8¯rñÇÁ.ÃÃpj:3¬ë¼Ñ0Ü̪9ÞÄýå#n3:G¡J×]Í8ÄC-å÷'é×FX

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