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                                                                   Chapter 5:)
"The "FAMILY "its a single words which constitutes millions and billions of emotions in it . It's just the strange concept that out of thousands or trillions people in the world Allah just chooses some to them to be your FAMILY and make you the part of that FAMILY ...every relation in this world is somehow fighting some battles ....we should not assume that the man who is smiling and laughing in front of us is really happy ,Although the true fact is ,that man really knows how to hide the pain by masking it with a fake smile ..a FAMILY shares the happiness ,sadness ,tears ,sorrow relief and even more feelings  ....if we become aloof from our family which we really  can't because these are relations which are not share from the heart but by the blood . And a truth is human can't change his blood group .."these were my thoughts when my whole family was sitting with me in a car as today upon per demand of my sister we have invited her in laws for dinner in a hotel ..I really don't like to meet any of her in law but I have to meet them by pasting the pleasant smile on my face not for me but just for her  ...

"Arsalah"my sister calls out my name when I was watching outside the glass "

"Yup appi "

" I just want you to assure me something "? She asked me in her firm tone she spoke to me now after the last night dinner debate

"What kind of assurance you want from me " I asked her in a confuse tone although ,unable to guess what she will say next

"The assurance that tonight you will not make any kind of weird faces ,and will not talk to my in laws in a bitter tone " she said it by shifting Ayesha from her right lap to the left one and staring at me

" wait wait ...wait ,a second there must be a misunderstanding according to my information and intentions I always tried my best to meet them in a great way ...and what I remembered I didn't think that they had ever been hurt from my weird faces or words ..."I had taken a pause for a second and again said " Now I get the point you  mean to say that your in laws have a great habit to judge people wrongly and to nib in the bud . So in this scenario I really can't help you because if they are worst people it's not really my fault " I said in a little bit rude way and again turned my face to the glass the tears just filled my eyes but I didn't allow them to make a way on my cheeks

"Arsalah what happened to you why for  a single moment we can't talk with peace and harmony seems that we both have been made sisters just to Fight and nothing have taken my point wrongly I really didn't meant to say that ..perhaps I was saying that today just don't talk to them be quiet ,whatever they say just listen and don't answer because I will handle them you don't need to be the warrior like the last time ,and yeah I really don't have the problem how you deal with my in laws it's just your and their matters and if in near future you will hear in my relatives that Ambreen in one of the great bahu but her sister she is such a misbehaving girl who don't knows how to treat the elders. So please don't complaint me about why the people are spreading the false fallacies about you ...."before she could speak more my mother turned her face at the back seats where we both were sitting and with a great anger stared both of us as she said ,

"I really can't believe that you both girls have difference of 6 years and still you both are fighting like a 5years  old girls ..come on be the grown up girls ,sometimes I feel that you both really don't know what the sisterhood and sibling hood is if you will fight in front of anyone they will gonna laugh on you and will make fun ..just be united no matter how we fight but at last we are family and we share the same blood ,problems and love " she share her piece of advice with us " now both of you shake your hands , hug each other and and kiss each other on the checks " she present her old demand of getting both of us together on the normal track

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